Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

NEDRA wont let me have the batteries on a removable tray, Smokey. They are very specific on battery tiedown.

MSR has power at the track. I'm sure they will let me use it. TMS should have it too. Circuit Grand Bayou: maybe, maybe not, but my brother is a supply sargent in the reserves; I'll get a 1.21 gigawatt diesel genny. Eagles Canyon has it, but it also has some major hills so I can't do more than 3 laps on a charge there.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

177 (edited by Mulry 2011-04-06 05:31 AM)

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Hoonatic Racing wrote:

NEDRA wont let me have the batteries on a removable tray, Smokey. They are very specific on battery tiedown.

I dunno about that. Reading through NEDRA's comments on batteries and attachment, it seems like the main concern is that the batteries be secure during an accident. So long as they are securely fastened to a removable tray or plate so that they meet the letter and spirit of the rules regarding the safety aspect of battery attachment, and that tray or plate is securely fastened to the car, I think you would pass tech. In fact, the commentary seems to contemplate that batteries will be secured to a removable rack:

"If you are mounting the batteries on a flat plate, use Table 1 to pick the bolt size for the weight of the battery and then use Table 3 to pick the strap size. If you are mounting the batteries in a box or rack, use Table 2 to pick the bolt size for the weight of the battery and then use Table 3 to pick the strap size. If you have some other design that isn’t a flat plate or a rack with the batteries held in with bolts, you must submit your design in advance to the sanctioning body and they determine if it meets or exceeds the basic criteria.

All this makes it easy for the racers to make a battery hold down system that works and it makes it easy for the tech inspector to determine if each hold down system meets the NHRA rules."

EyeMWing described in better detail what I was thinking of and briefly described in the last paragraph of my prior post. I will confess that I have not gone through the NHRA rules (which apparently have adopted all of the NEDRA rules) on this, so I could be missing something.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Forget "batteries" altogether, what you need are ultracapacitors. … AN-MODULES

Let's make better mistakes tomorrow

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

I spoke with John Metric last night. He is the local NEDRA guy with EV speed records.
I'm gonna watch him race the 1/8 this weekend and get a better look at his car.

He is being very helpful and a great knowledge base for batteries.

And in other news: new wheel bearings and studs should be in tomorrow. I hope to have a productive weekend.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

The good news: i got the motor and transmission out and separated.
the bad news:
I discovered this
No differential

and i did this
huge oil stain in the driveway


Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Hoonatic Racing wrote:

The good news: i got the motor and transmission out and separated.
the bad news:
I discovered this … 6878_o.jpg
No differential

and i did this … 2436_o.jpg
huge oil stain in the driveway



Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Would an early 80's Nissan differential not fit the housing?  Those units are usually pretty plentiful in the yards.

Let's make better mistakes tomorrow

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

pastafarian wrote:

Would an early 80's Nissan differential not fit the housing?  Those units are usually pretty plentiful in the yards.

The 240Z was the successor to the Fairlady. I'm hoping it will fit with minimal modification

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

No old datsuns at the junkyard I went to.  An 84 Z was all that they had. 

What race are you aiming for with this fine machine?

El Capitan de Substandard Racing -  Houston, Tx
2009 Yee Haw! It's Lemons Texas: 1973 Gremlin - Gremwow!
2010 Gator-O-Rama: 1973 Gremlin - Gremlin Express, Lassiez le Crapheaps Roulette - Gremlin - Most Heroic Fix

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

komododave wrote:

No old datsuns at the junkyard I went to.  An 84 Z was all that they had. 

What race are you aiming for with this fine machine?

3rd MSR if I'm lucky, but probably season ender at TMS

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

What about a Subaru R160 diff?  They should be easy to find in the JYs.  After a quick search, I found this.  It might help you.

BRE Datsun (Broke Racing Effluence) formerly Dawn of the Zed Racing
'74 260Z
Facebook page … 2559430584

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

let's talk differentials and rear ends:
Mine is missing. The easiest & cheapest solution is a junkyard diff, but some research reveals that it is only good for 100 ft lbs of torque. Later 300zx rears were good for 300 ft lbs.
So maybe I should upgrade the rear and get an LSD out of the deal, and get disk brakes on the back.
Monkey Wrench: the existing housing measures 43" from end to end.

I want to hear some ideas. Anyone ever shortened a Ford 9"? Know of an obvious solid rear that is within an inch or 2?
Should I just get a $30 datsun diff and run it 'til it blows?

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

188 (edited by dculberson 2011-04-13 09:41 AM)

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Get a wider rear end and put some cheap fender flares on.  Make it part of your theme.

Quad4 CRX - Wartburg 311 - Civic Wagovan - Parnelli Jones Galaxie - LS400 - Lancia MR2 - Boat - Sentra - 56 Ford Victoria
Known Associate of 3pedal Mafia, Speedycop, and the Russians.  Maybe even NSF.

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Use your 2 traction motor to drive each of the wheels independently and do away with the diff completely.


190 (edited by EriktheAwful 2011-04-14 02:51 AM)

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

1st gen RX-7 rearends are scaled-down 9" rearends. They're good for about 300hp if you take it easy on them, which probably translates to 150 ft/lbs of torque on a piston engine. Redline gear oil helps a lot. A Kia Sportage front axle center section will bolt in place of the RX-7 pumpkin and gives 4.something:1.

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

sublimate wrote:

Use your 2 traction motor to drive each of the wheels independently and do away with the diff completely.

they are 4.5 kW each. overvolted, that would be about 25 hp. that is a terrible idea.

EriktheAwful wrote:

A Kia Sportage front axle center section will bolt in place of the RX-7 pumpkin and gives 4.something:1.

i'm thinking i need more of a 2.something in my diff for better top speed

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Offset rims on the wider rear end?

2011 Organizers choice at Garrapatas Peligrosas GP as a Rookie team! 2011 Yee-Haw its Lemons Scruffy Nerf Herder 1991 Dodge Daytona IROC Shelby R/T Charger, 2012 Yee-Haw its Lemons 1972 RX2 IOE WINNERS!!!!, 2012 North Dallas Hooptie the arrival of JUDGE FRANK! 2012 Gator-rama in the 1977 Mustang II, 2012 Season Ender the HONORABLE JUDGE FRANK! 2013 BFE GP in the K-Car and an I Got Screwed Award

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Sorry for the lack of updates. it has been rather chaotic:
North Dallas Hooptie was last month. I had 2 week worth of vacation and all I wanted was Good Friday off so I could judge BS. I put in my request a month ahead of time, and the monday before, my vacation was denied. I was already unhappy with my company as they had shorted every paycheck for the 2 months prior. So, I interviewed with a different company the next day (tuesday) and no-showed to work on friday. Lemons was more important than a job anyway.

ECR was lots of fun. The monday following the race, I went into work (fully expecting to get shit-canned). To my unsurprise, the locks where changed, and the boss made a rare appearance to take my keys, and threaten me. No work, great, lots of time to work on the car, right? Wrong. Wasted a few days sending out resumes and going to interviews. Had my kids for a few days, and friends calling me to do some work for them (helped pay the bill).

Long story short, I have a new job working for an A/C service company and this is the start of the busy season. I may not have much time to work on the car, but it will get some loving. I did manage to repack and replace the wheel bearings on the front, and clean out more rat debris. I got an email from Paul Holmes who finished building the voltage controller, but he shipped it to my old work address, instead of my house. I should have it soon, if my old job can be cordial.
I got an email from a battery company and I hope to pick up the sponsorship.

Once the voltage controller is in, I can begin wiring it.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Thanks Ben, you were some of the inspiration for this project.

In other news...

Hoonatic Racing wrote:

I got an email from Paul Holmes who finished building the voltage controller, but he shipped it to my old work address, instead of my house. I should have it soon, if my old job can be cordial.

so much for being cordial. They put it in the outgoing mail box, and when no one was looking, I claimed it. According to my inside sources, they had the box locked up in a private office yesterday and wouldn't allow anyone to deliver it to me. They removed my number from the records and would let anyone call me. They are holding my final paycheck and wont give it to me.

But, at least I have the controller, now.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John


Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Hoonatic Racing wrote:

They are holding my final paycheck and wont give it to me.

laws vary from state to state, but they may owe you up to triple your paycheck if they withhold it for any length of time.

If the Texas law is on your side you may want to wait till they are late at least 1 day before mentioning this to them.

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

You must, by law, be paid within 6 days here in Texas.

El Capitan de los Bastardos De Lemons
1993 Linco Mark Ate
1957 Renault Dauphine
Driver with LemonSpeed's V6 Mustang

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

TheHeckler wrote:

You must, by law, be paid within 6 days here in Texas.

It's going on almost a month now. My former boss told me i can have my paycheck if I give him $50 cash for a missing gas can. Although $50 for a $500 paycheck would be a good investment any other day, what he is doing is illegal in the state of Texas. According to Texas law, he should have charged a security deposit for usage of tools. He can not charge after the fact. I have submitted my claim to the Texas Workforce Commission.

This is all fine, but it doesn't pay the bills any faster. The build is on hold until I can afford more parts. The car will still make its debut this year, but I'll just frantic build the last month, probably.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

Bummer about your paycheck, and withholding it might be illegal on their part... but your post #63 on public internets aint going to help you in any way....


Scuderia Ignorante // Modena / Dearborn / Aichi Prefecture / West Texas

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

i've also said on the interwebs that i got pregnant by Schwarzenegger, and that i killed someone. Internet is fantasy land.

I am very sarcastic.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Got the Go-ahead from HQ for my IoE idea

long time no update: that is because i started a new job with a great company at the height of the busy season, and i'm just now getting time to do work again.

here is a fast update:
I've solved the lack of a Datsun differential by buying a Miata missing it's differential. I'm going to put the Miata subframe on the Datsun the trade the Miata shell for a 1.6 differential. I will gain Miata handling as well as disk brakes at all 4 corners and easier to find parts.

I pulled the keyed collar from the electric motor and the clutch center from the Datsun and found that both almost fit into a 1.5" DOM tube

so i took it to a machine shop and had it put together for free. Vision Manufacturing in Spring, TX is really nice!!!

I TIG welded it together and presto: the two are now one...
I made the mistake / dumb-luck of putting the adapter onto the motor shaft before the adapter fully cooled because i was worried the weld penetration was too deep and distorted the collar. It barely made it on hot, so now it is stuck on there pretty good. I would have to heat it up to remove it.

I still have to build the brace to hold the weight of the motor against the transmission and a cradle across the motor mounts in the car to brace the motor, but finally after what feels like a year, some serious progress.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John