Sorry for the lack of updates. it has been rather chaotic:
North Dallas Hooptie was last month. I had 2 week worth of vacation and all I wanted was Good Friday off so I could judge BS. I put in my request a month ahead of time, and the monday before, my vacation was denied. I was already unhappy with my company as they had shorted every paycheck for the 2 months prior. So, I interviewed with a different company the next day (tuesday) and no-showed to work on friday. Lemons was more important than a job anyway.
ECR was lots of fun. The monday following the race, I went into work (fully expecting to get shit-canned). To my unsurprise, the locks where changed, and the boss made a rare appearance to take my keys, and threaten me. No work, great, lots of time to work on the car, right? Wrong. Wasted a few days sending out resumes and going to interviews. Had my kids for a few days, and friends calling me to do some work for them (helped pay the bill).
Long story short, I have a new job working for an A/C service company and this is the start of the busy season. I may not have much time to work on the car, but it will get some loving. I did manage to repack and replace the wheel bearings on the front, and clean out more rat debris. I got an email from Paul Holmes who finished building the voltage controller, but he shipped it to my old work address, instead of my house. I should have it soon, if my old job can be cordial.
I got an email from a battery company and I hope to pick up the sponsorship.
Once the voltage controller is in, I can begin wiring it.
Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John