Topic: '72 MGB: alternative fuel+air mixing options?
I'm clearly out of my league with this.
Quick question, because I need to get this gone by tomorrow morning:
Any replacement or aftermarket [carb / fuel-air mixing things] reasonably available?
This t-boned MGB was hit - HARD - on the driver's side.
The carb has been broken by the impact - one or two of the coolant line nipples are not the same as they were (best guess). And it looks like the housing for the air filter is gone, also.
My original thought was to pull the drivetrain - primarily for the experience of doing it. But a few days of elder care took me away from this project, and yes: now I'm behind the 8-ball, as tomorrow afternoon I have to collect some materials using this same trailer.
Conveniently, a scrap yard is on the way to my vendor.
But I'd hate to scrap the drive train if there's an option to repair / replace the carburetor.
Sorry for the panic info request - I usually research before asking.