1 (edited by MZAVARIN 2024-05-18 05:52 AM)

Topic: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

2001 Mazda Miata, approx. 145K miles
car belongs to a coworker, older lady, original owner, I think, she had it for a long time anyways and took good care of it, daily driver in good weather, minimal rust, soft top, everything works electronics, manual tranny, interior in good condition
she just came up to me and said she was driving around town yesterday, and it suddenly stalled.  Turns over but will not start, run.
She said she wants a new car. 
I'll have her take some photos, but she wants to sell it or trade it in.
I told her to keep it in her driveway
I'm guessing she could get $3000 for it???  what do you think it is worth?
  She does not know....she had it towed to her house
anyone interested??/
she's a nice lady, and would appreciate a fair price...

(Sell parts; and you got yourself a great Lemons race car!!!)

MarioKart Driving School: 1987 Honda Prelude Si (Opus #28) 
Loudon, NH 2014 - Millville, NJ, Lightening 2019 (RIP)
New and improved: 1987 Honda Prelude Si (Opus #11) Pittsburgh, PA 2021 - ??
and finally won something, Class C Win: Loudon, NH 2022

Re: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

I'm not sure if they're worth more out your way but NB's aren't really worth anything, unlike NA's (NB's are objectively better, but people are obsessed with NA's). I'm pretty sure miatas are worth more in CA, and running NB's sell for $2-4k out here, and I think she'd be very lucky to get $3k non-running.

Full Ass Racing (Captain)
#455 Piñata Miata - 1990 Miata   |   #735 BMDollhÜr 7Turdy5i - 1990 735i (Sold)

Experienced race-loser, 1x winner

3 (edited by Lemon_Newton-Metre 2024-05-20 10:20 AM)

Re: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

duthehustle93 wrote:

[snip] I'm pretty sure miatas are worth more in CA, and running NB's sell for $2-4k out here, and I think she'd be very lucky to get $3k non-running.

Agreed. I did a kbb search for the Boston price (easy enough), and with "some repairs needed", ~$3k is the middle of the range; but that's NOT what "doesn't run" means to me.

Like I once heard: "A woman needs to be able to trust her jeweler and her mechanic." (sexist, yes, I know; but I think it's still a true statement).

I think she needs a Miata whisperer on a day off. Get it running again and then it's likely to be sold at ~$3k.

If I knew anything about Miatas - and I really don't - (I can't get mine started again after the timing belt replacement), I'd take the 3 days off I have next week and go look at it.

Come to think about it (literally _just_ after I typed the last para) - could the symptoms be a timing belt? [edit]: And is the NB an interference engine?

4 (edited by chaase 2024-05-20 12:31 PM)

Re: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

You can usually tell if a timing belt snapped by the sound. It'll crank but won't turn over and it usually sounds like its spinning faster when you try and start it. Not sure I am explaining it correctly. Take the oil cap off and send a scope in to see if there belt is still attached.

The oil cap is near the timing cover...You may be able to feel around for the cam gear and see if the belt is attached.

It could also be something as simple as a fuel pump.

EDIT: Mazda Miata engines of that year are non-interference

1992 Saturn SL2 (retired) - Elmo's Revenge -  Class B winner, Heroic Fix winner x2
1969 Rover P6B 3500S(sold) - Super G-Rover - I.O.E Winner, Class C Winner
1996 Saturn SW2 - Elmo's Revenge (reborn!), Saturn SL1  Dazzleshipm Class C x2 and IOE winner
1974 AMC Javelin - Oscar's Trash heap - IOE,”Organizer's Choice" and "I got Screwed" award winner

Re: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

That ^ sounds like a good diagnosis list. I think "coworker, older lady" needs a mechanic in their driveway to diagnose it.

I wonder if she's going to go for the new Miata?

As an aside:

A long time ago my father told me he would sell me his car for a really good price, and get himself another; but he presented the reason as "I think it's about to go."

At the time, I was doing WAY more trips than he was. Though he did drive occasional long trips for work, mine were for recreation, and longer distances; and it wasn't critical if I didn't get there or back in a certain time, it would have just been inconvenient and expensive for me, and I'd have to take more time off than asked for.

And I was perplexed by, well, if he thought it was "about to go", why would he offer it to me?

After thinking for a few, I asked him a few questions.

"Dad, you know you're a highly regarded professional in your field, right?"

"And you're employed at the highest technical level at your company (it is (was) very high tech), right?"

"And you are current in your bills, and you're paying the taxes and mortgage on your house, right?"

(Yes to all these questions)

"I thank you for your offer, but I'm not interested in a car that's "about to go"; I drive too much. My car isn't much too look at, but it's cheap and reliable, and I can deal with the heat without A/C.

But you're at the time in your life where - if you want to get a new car just to have a new car - you've earned that.

And I don't think you have to apologize for that or explain anything to anyone."

He sat quietly for a few minutes. And then he said,  "I think I'm going to get a new car." I said, "That sounds like a good idea."

The next day he drove that new car home.

We never actually _spoke_ about that again. He would just occasionally show up, and, with a twinkle in his eye, ask if I'd like to go out to dinner with him. And we would - in his new car.

I have what he had: a predilection for the unusual. An early Beetle - though it did have the heat option; and an RX-2, are two that come quickly to mind.

I thank him for that gift every day I drive a vehicle he would have liked.

Re: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

Did anything ever come of this miata? I potentially would be interested.

Re: 2001 Mazda Miata daily driver: Massachusetts, Cape Cod

I just checked, sounds like it is something not too expensive to fix, so she plans to fix and keep it....

MarioKart Driving School: 1987 Honda Prelude Si (Opus #28) 
Loudon, NH 2014 - Millville, NJ, Lightening 2019 (RIP)
New and improved: 1987 Honda Prelude Si (Opus #11) Pittsburgh, PA 2021 - ??
and finally won something, Class C Win: Loudon, NH 2022