Topic: On fire at the B.F.E. GP 2024?
On fire at the B.F.E. GP 2024?
So you’re on fire at the 2024 B.F.E. GP.
Your first question should be: “Why did I agree to do a 24 hour race in a certified crap can in the first place?”
Your next question should be: “How do I fix this situation?”
We can’t help with the first question (but we know a good therapist).
As for the second question, stop by RV spots 05 and 06 and we’ll see what we can do to help.
We have:
• A welder (with a somewhat qualified person to weld).
• Air rivet gun.
• Small air compressor.
• Diesel generator.
• A box of random nuts and bolts (guaranteed not to have the size/pitch you need).
• A box of VW-specific nuts and bolts (see above disclaimer).
• A somewhat organized box of electrical connectors and wire.
• Some random Mark IV VW parts.
• The Mark IV VW Bentley Shop Manuals.
• A laptop with a full version of VW/Audi VCDS and OBD II dongle.
o We may be able to scan all makes/models for codes, but no guarantees.
• A large selection of metric, standard, and specialty tools.
• Standard and metric Tap & Die set.
• Jacks and jackstands.
• Engine hoist.
• Shore power(!).
• Battery charger.
• Flood lights.
• Sunscreen.
• First Aid kit.
• Fire extinguisher (in case you’re really on fire).
• A former Ferrari, Porsche, Ford/Lincoln/Mercury, Lexus, Toyota, Honda, and International Truck technician.
• A General Contractor and certified electrician (ask about remodeling your house).
• An investment broker (he’ll help you make better financial decisions).
• A dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
We’re happy to help as long as you’re friendly. Acceptable forms of payment are high fives, handshakes, or post-race liquid refreshments.
Oh, and if you happen to have a quirky, funny, ironic, questionable, or off-color sticker, stop by and slap it on the car. Just don't tell us about it (we like surprises).
Best of luck out there. See you at the track!
2000 Jetta VR6
1988 Dodge Daytona 2.2L Turbo "Ricky Schroder" {SOLD}
3x 24 hour race runner, 2x 24 hour race finisher, 1x Heroic Fix Winner.