Topic: Freezing in Feb

Thinking about taking the new Checker to the Penna rally in February. What could possibly go wrong? The heater works, but I still need to repair the defrost duct. And it has antifreeze. And good tread on the tires.

I Survived Hell on Wheels, Car Weeeak, Route Sucky Suck, etc.

Re: Freezing in Feb

squirrel wrote:

Thinking about taking the new Checker to the Penna rally in February. What could possibly go wrong? The heater works, but I still need to repair the defrost duct. And it has antifreeze. And good tread on the tires.

This car....Is said to have a will of it's Own. Twisting its own body in rage...It accelerates on.
1978 Opel/Buick Isuzu(C>B>C>B) , Sold 1996 Nissan Maxima OnlyFans (B) , Sold 1996 Ford Probe GT(B),