Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

As always, looking at things from the other guys perspective helps to enlighten you.  As a competitor, nobody thinks it’s really fair to be parked when an incident was 100% not your fault, and I don’t care what you say, that is possible and does happen.  Looking at it from the corner workers and judge’s side of things, it can be seen differently.  There is no way the corner workers can watch 100+ cars and determine who is at fault every lap in a 14 or more hour race.  If the corner worker sees just the aftermath (car in the dirt, or sideways) but not what the root cause was he/she still has to report to the judges what they did see.  The judges didn’t see what happened either so what are they to do but bring you in and ask?  Yeah it would be nice and everyone would ‘fees up’ to what really happened, and the judges could then make a ruling on the real facts, but we ain’t racing in fantasy land right?

Many people here say they just tell the truth and hope the other guy does the same, but when that doesn’t happen and you get parked it really sucks.  BTW, in case you think I’m talking about myself I’ve yet to get a BF in 7 races thus far so I’m not whining about what has happened to me.  My team has received a few black flags in those races, and all but two were well deserved.  Again, I know the corner workers can only do so much so it is what it is on the two erroneous ones.

I also agree with Judge Phil’s statement about just not putting one’s self in a BF situation in the first place, but I don’t agree with all stuff like that is black and white.  It _is_ possible to have someone just spin out in front of you (mechanical issue on their part, or whatever the reason) and you make unavoidable contact or go 4-off to avoid that contact.  Now is where the judge will say if it’s your first offense they will let you right back out, but what if that very situation was your third strike?

Like Spank, I try know who the real contenders (and assholes) are while I’m out there and drive accordingly.  I’ve been on both sides of the fast/slow coin so I understand each of them.  Lots of other drivers (I assume the experienced ones) seem to do the same.  When we started in 2nd place on Sunday in spring event at CMP I received several points from the slower cars who either knew we were going for the overall win or they were just courteous period.  Likewise in the fall race, I was giving points to the faster cars in contention to return the favor.

I guess what I’m saying in general is if we can see the judge’s POV, and they can see ours, everything will work out for the best in the end with the 3-strike rule.  I don’t think ‘no exceptions’ could ever apply and still be fair though.

Team Super Westerfield Bros.
'93 Acura Integra - No VTEC Yo!

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

VKZ24 wrote:

Now is where the judge will say if it’s your first offense they will let you right back out, but what if that very situation was your third strike?

I can see what you're saying, but really the problem in that situation was the two previous "deserved" black flags.  Without those, your "undeserved" black flag would've just been a blip on the radar.  I'll hazard a guess that very few teams would get three "undeserved" black flags in one day.

Quad4 CRX - Wartburg 311 - Civic Wagovan - Parnelli Jones Galaxie - LS400 - Lancia MR2 - Boat - Sentra - 56 Ford Victoria
Known Associate of 3pedal Mafia, Speedycop, and the Russians.  Maybe even NSF.

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

I saw a collision that was really not the fault of one guy:

Coming down a straight at G man, i was behing the TaTas Camaro.  we were both passing the Lada, who moved over to the right to give us room around him.  The Camaro passe cleanly, and as I was passing under braking, the Lada veered to the right, into the grass, and T boned the Camaro, who had made the right turn.  obviously, the Lada driver had a mechanicl failure (I think his brakes were on fire, or just gone), but it looked like, from my view, that the Lada cut the corner at speed to ram the Camaro.  The most Ironic part of this whole thing was that the corner workers reported the Camaro had T boned the Lada.

The Camaro guys had to go and apologize to the Lada team and help them fix their car.  the Camaro had a broken rear axle, BTW.  After I was done driving and I heard about this gross misunderstanding of the facts, I went over to tell Jay and I think Phil was there too.

Of course, they were suspicious of my story, but I kept it up.  They then made the Lada team go to help the Camaro team, but they (lada) didn't bring a spare chevy rear axle.

I just saw no way of avoiding this as the Lada was being courteous, and had a brake failure an instant later.  The only way the camaro could have seen it coming was to be looking out his right window exiting a turn.

Silent But Deadly Racing-  Ricky Bobby's Laughing Clown Malt Liquor Thunderbird , Datsun 510, 87 Mustang (The Race Team Formerly Known as Prince), 72 Pinto Squire waggy, Parnelli Jones 67 Galaxie, Turbo Coupe Surf wagon.(The Surfin Bird), Squatting Dogs In Tracksuits,  Space Pants!  Roy Fuckin Kent and The tribute to a tribute to a tribute THUNDERBIRD/ SUNDAHBADOH!

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

dculberson wrote:
VKZ24 wrote:

Now is where the judge will say if it’s your first offense they will let you right back out, but what if that very situation was your third strike?

I can see what you're saying, but really the problem in that situation was the two previous "deserved" black flags.  Without those, your "undeserved" black flag would've just been a blip on the radar.  I'll hazard a guess that very few teams would get three "undeserved" black flags in one day.

OK, say you have two noobs that go out and do soemthing stupid and get two BFs they deserved.  Driver #3 gets a bogus one (like for a situation described above)and the team gets parked.  Using your logic you may as well park them after the second one because if you got two deserved ones then the third was obviously deserved as well.

All I'm trying to say is that making it a hard and fast rule "Three BFs and your parked no matter what" can produce some good results (obviously as Phil has stated) but it opens up the possibilty of really getting hosed as well.

Team Super Westerfield Bros.
'93 Acura Integra - No VTEC Yo!

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

I've decided to enact a new rule for my guest  (and possibly ALL) drivers. If they are black flagged, their stint is over. If they are blacked flagged on the subsequent stint, they are done. I realize shit happens, but I've been parked twice now for this three hour rule as a result of guest drivers. Even when I let them stay in the car under strict instructions to be cautious and go slow/clean NO MATTER WHAT for fear of the three hour penalty, they went back out and got themselves flagged again. That sort of thing not only ruins your chances of a respectable finish, but it takes a lot of the fun out of the thing for the whole team. Sure, we go around during that timeout and visit/assist other teams, but we're there to race, like everyone else.

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Jer wrote:

Our brothers in the MR2 have had a few more, but they are pretty clean too.   Makes the racing experience so much better when you are actually spending the day ON THE TRACK.

yep.  my main concern about getting flagged is that i'm letting the rest of the guys down.  if i'm sitting in the penalty box, i'm not doing my job, which is to put in as many laps as possible during my stint, and not break the car.

BoB wrote:

I'm just curious.  What percentage of the 3 strike teams are the ones that the BFs are never their fault opposed to the ones that fess up to it.

the number of BFs a team rings up seems to be inversely proportional to their admitted degree of culpability.

mike - Schumacher Taxi Service
12+-time loser
"Winner" - We Got Screwed, NJMP '11

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

VKZ24 wrote:

Using your logic you may as well park them after the second one because if you got two deserved ones then the third was obviously deserved as well.

Hee hee, not quite.  But yeah, in your hypothetical, the noobs screwed up and that messed up the day for the team.  But I'm not clear on why the race organizers should bend their rules because of it.  It was the team's decision to allow those noobs out, and the consequences aren't the end of the world, just the end of a day of racing.  Simple way to keep things in check.

Maybe have the experienced guys go out first next time.

Quad4 CRX - Wartburg 311 - Civic Wagovan - Parnelli Jones Galaxie - LS400 - Lancia MR2 - Boat - Sentra - 56 Ford Victoria
Known Associate of 3pedal Mafia, Speedycop, and the Russians.  Maybe even NSF.

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

dculberson wrote:

really the problem in that situation was the two previous "deserved" black flags.  Without those, your "undeserved" black flag would've just been a blip on the radar.  I'll hazard a guess that very few teams would get three "undeserved" black flags in one day.


Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

dculberson wrote:
VKZ24 wrote:

Using your logic you may as well park them after the second one because if you got two deserved ones then the third was obviously deserved as well.

Hee hee, not quite.  But yeah, in your hypothetical, the noobs screwed up and that messed up the day for the team.  But I'm not clear on why the race organizers should bend their rules because of it.  It was the team's decision to allow those noobs out, and the consequences aren't the end of the world, just the end of a day of racing.  Simple way to keep things in check.

Maybe have the experienced guys go out first next time.

Luckily I'm not talking about my team.  Our guest drivers have been Lemons noobs, but they are experienced otherwise.  We won't allow anyone to drive our car who doesn't have at least some HPDE experience.  One guest received a BF for going 4-off due to overcooking it into a braking zone to which he fully owned up to in the penalty box.  We told him to "just tell the truth and don't argue" if he were to get brought in.  I guess some of this comes down to taking responsibility for your actions to help the judges make it more 'fair' for everyone.  if I were to f-up and hit someone and it was 100% my fault I'll man-up, say so, and take my lumps from the judges.  if it wasn't my fault I'd expect the other guy to do the same.  Obviously sometimes there really is no real clear-cut driver at fault, so at that point the judges shoul decide to let both back out, or penalize both the same.

I understand Speedycop's mantra, but I'd have a hard time telling my guest driver he was done if he got an erroneous BF.  If he effed up twice and deserved it sure, but again I have a hard time with any rule that can't be bent depending on circumstance.

Team Super Westerfield Bros.
'93 Acura Integra - No VTEC Yo!

35 (edited by Speedycop 2010-12-08 11:51 AM)

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

VKZ24 wrote:

I understand Speedycop's mantra, but I'd have a hard time telling my guest driver he was done if he got an erroneous BF.  If he effed up twice and deserved it sure, but again I have a hard time with any rule that can't be bent depending on circumstance.

Well, if you already have one, you gotta be extra careful. Both times I said go back out, both times they did it again, and we got the heavy time-out. One person shouldn't be able to deprive 3-5 others of their fun. I know the incidents weren't intentional, but they were all avoidable.

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Keep in mind that the corner workers and our guys in the tower have a pretty good idea of which teams are causing problems. We get messages like "the driver in Car X is being an idiot- we're keeping an eye on him" all the time (we also get messages like "Car Y got away with a dozen borderline offenses similar to the one we're now busting him for, so throw the book at him" as well). When there's an incident such as the (oft-cited) "Car Z spun out in front of me, I had nowhere to go except into the dirt," they'll let us know when the driver of Car Z really did bear singlehanded responsibility for the incident. We don't get information about where pass-under-yellow offenses happen, but we do hear about fault in incidents where fault is obvious.

And, sure, some teams just get plain screwed by bad calls, just as all of us have been screwed by unjust speeding tickets. We could have a fat rulebook and a tedious appeal process, but it still comes down to some guy's completely subjective decision. We've just decided to streamline the process.

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Also, Houston racers, the corner workers don't have a personal grudge against your team. We harbor personal grudges against teams that whine about corner-worker grudges, however.

38 (edited by Speedycop 2010-12-08 12:01 PM)

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

What about the opposite--teams local to the tracks that are tight with corner workers? I know CMP flaggers sometimes avoided flagging one winning team, and I watched them pass two and four off with impunity at some locations...
I guess that falls under both "We've all been screwed" and People's Curse, but in that case, the curse didn't stop the win as it should have.

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Is the 3 BF rule for 12 hour and 24 hour races alike?  Is there any redemption option in really long races (24hour), like 4 hours clean and you remove the strike?

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Fortunately, they treat the 24 Hour races as three 8 hour races for that purpose.

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Yup, we got bit with the 3 BF rule on Saturday, each of the first three drivers got one.  One guy drove off because the car died and he thought going off track was better and had to be towed in, the next 2 drivers passed under yellow. Done for the day.  Sunday was clean and went to the checker.  Sitting out for hours really hits home.

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

You're supposed to go off if it dies, and that should be a mechanical, not a driver penalty.

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT


Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

If the corner works aren't going to call in things I don't see what the judges or Lemons HQ can do unless they see something and call in the BF themselves.  But they seem to be awfully busy during the race to be looking out for that.

As a team full newbs who didn't get in trouble I think the big thing is to stress with them is the importance of keeping the car on the track.  While limping our car around the course with ignintion problems I could tell some drivers would start getting antsy about  getting passed all the time, but occasionally radioing them the positions they had gained during the stint with their slow laps, or telling them that the two cars in front of us by 2 laps are in the penalty box one with the boot and the other team is getting dressed up as the village people re-enforced the need to drive clean especially with a car that isn't running right.

The other thing that this system gives is an elimination of traffic late in the day.  I didn't get to actually drive in it since my drivers decided that since I got them into this mess that I can go out and die first driving this wreck in the rain, but the later drivers kept calling in to say how clear the track was and that they were all alone for part of the lap.  So it might be an idea to put the less experienced or people you don't quite trust as a later stint since they will have less traffic, although I guess you will have a better chance of them getting the 3rd black flag, or over driving the car since it is clear and they think they can go faster.

Racing 4 Nickels - 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
2012 The Chubba Cheddar Enduro Class C winner
Facebook Page

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Once again: since the 3-strikes/no-slack policy went into place, we've had zero cars get upside-down. Prior to that, we'd be high-fiving each other after running just one race with no rollovers. Remember the Thunderhill and MSR events with multiple rollover victims? I'd rather have semi-innocent teams miss some seat time than watch someone get hurt.

That said, I may lobby for a policy under which 3-strikers are allowed onto the track for the last couple of minutes on Sunday, so they can be part of the traditional track-exit celebration. We'll see what Jay says.

45 (edited by Speedycop 2010-12-08 12:46 PM)

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

How about a half the distance to the goal policy? Instead of three hours, half the time remaining in the day is served, then you go back out, knowing that a 4th means you are done for good?

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Xeno's Penalty eh?

that said, what's the difference between 3 strikes you're out, and 4 strikes you're out?

One day, Mister ffffffffffffffffox!


Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

3 strikes and you get a 3 hours off the track or the rest of the day which ever is first.  4 strikes and your car is stuck on a trailer for the rest of the weekend.

Racing 4 Nickels - 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
2012 The Chubba Cheddar Enduro Class C winner
Facebook Page

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

Speedycop wrote:

Fortunately, they treat the 24 Hour races as three 8 hour races for that purpose.

I don't know what that means.  Can you please explain further?

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

BoB wrote:

3 strikes and you get a 3 hours off the track or the rest of the day which ever is first.  4 strikes and your car is stuck on a trailer for the rest of the weekend.

Right, and the 3rd strike usually happens with fewer than 3 hours remaining in the day's session.

By the way, maybe 10 teams have served a 3-hour penalty for Strike #3 on Saturday and gone back out to race, risking #4 and banishment for the weekend. Guess how many have avoided getting number four? Two.

Re: A word about the 3rd-strike/3-hour-timeout policy

24 divided by 3 = 8
After 8 hours, your penalties reset. At 16, they reset again.

Captain: Speedycop & The Gang Of Outlaws -'94 Mark VIII (Least Horrible Yank Tank Stafford '09, NOLA '10) '61 Caddy (Org Choice-NL '09) '63 Tbird (EPIC Repair Failure-Gingerman '10, I Got Screwed-Summit Pt '10, I.O.E. WINNER Stafford '10!) '77 Lancia Scorpion (I.O.E. WINNER Joliet 2010!) '67 Galaxie 500 (Judges Choice-CMP '11)
Future Fleet: 1957 Ford Prefect 1942 Buick 1959 Bugeye Project GLCOAT