Topic: Bonneville Speed Week, Monterey and/or Goodwood this year, anyone?

My schedule for the next few months is shaping up nicely:  In August, I should be able to hit Bonneville Speed Week for a day or two, then head down to Monterey for the weekend.  I Sept I am planning to be at the Beaulieu Autojumble and the Goodwood Revival (epic UK events).  Anyone else going to any of these?

Re: Bonneville Speed Week, Monterey and/or Goodwood this year, anyone?

The Tinyvette will be in the Sacramento Auto Museum in September, along with other fine Opels, but I might pull it out for a weekend to take it to the ALMS race at Laguna Seca. With any luck I'll get to park it with the real Corvettes, maybe even with Pratt & Miller guys. wink