Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

To the question "can we put a light-saver bar on that bumper," I can just hear Jay's reaction in my head: "hey, here's an idea. How about just not hitting anybody?"

That said, I'd email the two photos to Pagel or Nick and see what you get back from them.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

I just purchased my ticket.  It's official - I'm going to fly in for the first time.  I arrive Friday - noon-ish at Dallas LOVE field.  I have room for two more.  I have a 7PM flight on Sunday.   


This space for rent.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

well since we have heads to put back on and new exhaust to build .... we decided to go run the TWS 24 race this weekend.  Why not?  At least it is in my back yard, right?

the Syndicate - 30 losses and counting ...
89 VW Jettarosa - #337 (11 motors later) <> 67 Mercedes 200 - #200, winner "most with the least" MSR Feb 11, IOE at MSR June 11 <> 88 Mercedes 560 SEL <> 76 Mercedes SLC - IOE at ECR March 13 <> now pimping performance parts for 1970-1980's Mercedes SEL, SEC, SL, SLC's

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

NSF wrote:

I just purchased my ticket.  It's official - I'm going to fly in for the first time.  I arrive Friday - noon-ish at Dallas LOVE field.  I have room for two more.  I have a 7PM flight on Sunday.   


Cool! Glad you're going to make it out to the race after all, Bob. Hopefully y'all can set up NSF Cordia HQ near the Professor Tetanus' Travelling Medicine Show.

ONSET/Tetanus Racing, est. 2008.
Guest drives: NSF, Rocket Surgery, Property Devaluation, Terminally Confused, Team Sputnik, The Syndicate, Pit Crew Revenge, Spank, Hella Shitty, Sir Jackie Stewart's Coin Purse, Nine Finger Drifters, Salty Thunder, Panting Polar Bear, Vistabeam, Hangar 13, and Escape Velocity.
74 races so far.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

NSF, just sent you a note about Sunday carpooling!

Putting the "dirty" in Dirty Little Freaks Racing
~stalk us on facebook

181 (edited by Baron 2012-05-17 09:36 AM)

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

WE Started the Mustang up tonight. now we just need cooing, brakes, a bit of wiring, the drive shaft, and to get lights and communication.

No biggie, we have a whole weekend ahead of us!

Team Lost in the Dark
Winner " I got screwed" and "Jay's dream car"
2012 Gulf region champs

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

;-) - I could hear Jay in my head saying the exact same thing as I was typing..."hey, here's an idea. How about just not hitting anybody?"

Mulry wrote:

To the question "can we put a light-saver bar on that bumper," I can just hear Jay's reaction in my head: "hey, here's an idea. How about just not hitting anybody?"

That said, I'd email the two photos to Pagel or Nick and see what you get back from them.

Team TGTW Offroad Racing
7 TIME LOSER - 1997 Jeep Cherokee and 1989 Jeep Comanche
Winner of the inaugural  2012 Cherokee Cup


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

disarrae wrote:

NSF, just sent you a note about Sunday carpooling!

OK, we are full on the return trip. 

We still have room from LOVE on Friday Noonish.


This space for rent.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?


We don't need no stinking LIGHTS!

Team OK-Speed : Civic Tape-R and Spec Piñata (RIP)
2011 Heaps in the Heart of Texas - I Got Screwed || 2012 Yee-Haw, It's Lemons Texas - Judges Choice
2012 North Dallas Hooptie - Personal Scolding from Jay "Award" || 2012 Heaps in the Heart of Texas - Judges Choice
2014 Shine Country Classic - Heroic Fix || 2015 Doing Time in Joliet - Class B Win!

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

we're just gonna use ya'lls lights.

Team OK-Speed
Regularly losing in Class A
Soon to start losing in Class C


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

I just ordered 8 that will be delivered tomorrow.

Team Lost in the Dark
Winner " I got screwed" and "Jay's dream car"
2012 Gulf region champs


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

Baron wrote:

I just ordered 8 that will be delivered tomorrow.

Cylinders? Lights? Babies?

I hope for your wife's sake it's not the latter.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

JB Weld is holding on my idler pulley.  I hate it when things break off of stuff....

2011: Gator-o-Rama, North Dallas Hooptie, Garrapatas Peligrosas GP
2012: Yee-Haw it's Lemons Texas!, North Dallas Hooptie
2013: North Dallas Hooptie


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

Sledge wrote:

JB Weld is holding on my idler pulley.  I hate it when things break off of stuff....

Its holding a couple things on ours.

Team Lost in the Dark
Winner " I got screwed" and "Jay's dream car"
2012 Gulf region champs


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

Mulry wrote:
Baron wrote:

I just ordered 8 that will be delivered tomorrow.

Cylinders? Lights? Babies?

I hope for your wife's sake it's not the latter.

No octomom for us. Hella's.

Team Lost in the Dark
Winner " I got screwed" and "Jay's dream car"
2012 Gulf region champs

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

psychoboy wrote:

we're just gonna use ya'lls lights.

Hell yea - this is gonna be FUN!

Team TGTW Offroad Racing
7 TIME LOSER - 1997 Jeep Cherokee and 1989 Jeep Comanche
Winner of the inaugural  2012 Cherokee Cup

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

It looks like timing and scoring differs from track to track.  Is Race Monitor the way to get live timing and scoring info at ECR?  If not, is there something I need to have on my Android phone or Windows netbook to get this info realtime in the pits?

2012 North Dallas Hooptie Judge's Choice Winners
If life gives you Lemons, install racing brakes!


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

The head is on the Cordia.  We plan to start it tomorrow.  Brakes redone.    We removed all of the pollution stuff - mostly because it broke off when we were working on the head.  I hear the boys will be cutting and welding on the suspension.

On a positive note:

We got two new tires.  They're 14 inch and will be for sale at about 4:30 Saturday afternoon.


This space for rent.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

racerxr wrote:

It looks like timing and scoring differs from track to track.  Is Race Monitor the way to get live timing and scoring info at ECR?  If not, is there something I need to have on my Android phone or Windows netbook to get this info realtime in the pits?

Race Monitor was in full effect at ECR for the '11 year ender.

Speedycop/NSF Racing /Pinewood Dirtbags
'10 Summit, CMP3, Autobahn, '11 CMP1, NJMP, CMP2, Summit, G'man, Stafford, Charlotte, Autobahn, ECR '12 CMP1, NJMP, G'man, NHMS1, Summit, CMP2, NHMS2, ECR, '13 CMP1, ECR, Summit, NJMP, THill, CMP2, MSR, NHMS, Sears '14 Barber, Sears1, ECR, CMP1, NJMP1, BWillow, Sebring, CMP2, THill, Sears2, '15 Sears1, Barber, Ridge, THill, '16 Sears1

195 (edited by DC Doug 2012-05-18 08:16 PM)

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

NSF wrote:

The head is on the Cordia.  We plan to start it tomorrow.  Brakes redone.    We removed all of the pollution stuff - mostly because it broke off when we were working on the head.  I hear the boys will be cutting and welding on the suspension.

On a positive note:

We got two new tires.  They're 14 inch and will be for sale at about 4:30 Saturday afternoon.


Awe man, you guys are welding again!!??

You're going to regret not bringing back in on this project...


Speedycop/NSF Racing /Pinewood Dirtbags
'10 Summit, CMP3, Autobahn, '11 CMP1, NJMP, CMP2, Summit, G'man, Stafford, Charlotte, Autobahn, ECR '12 CMP1, NJMP, G'man, NHMS1, Summit, CMP2, NHMS2, ECR, '13 CMP1, ECR, Summit, NJMP, THill, CMP2, MSR, NHMS, Sears '14 Barber, Sears1, ECR, CMP1, NJMP1, BWillow, Sebring, CMP2, THill, Sears2, '15 Sears1, Barber, Ridge, THill, '16 Sears1

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

It's time to up the chatter, see some pics, it's 6 days away.  Whatcha got?

Justice...with a smile.


Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

DC Doug wrote:
racerxr wrote:

It looks like timing and scoring differs from track to track.  Is Race Monitor the way to get live timing and scoring info at ECR?  If not, is there something I need to have on my Android phone or Windows netbook to get this info realtime in the pits?

Race Monitor was in full effect at ECR for the '11 year ender.

It will, in all likelihood, be in effect at this race too.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

Judge Scott wrote:

It's time to up the chatter, see some pics, it's 6 days away.  Whatcha got?

New car and new team for ECR.  Here's a hint of what we will be wrenching on and possibly driving if we get lucky.



Yes, the rear main stays are kinda narrow.  We sent pics to "race control" for review and got the OK to bring it out as it is.

2012 North Dallas Hooptie Judge's Choice Winners
If life gives you Lemons, install racing brakes!

199 (edited by NSF 2012-05-21 07:21 AM)

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?


Our secret to speed.  Zebra stripped duct tape numbers.


********************  OH  CRAP!!!  **********************

I just got a call from the NSFIRHQ SC.  They just broke an Injector.  We need a 850 from a Starion or Cordia.  This is a 1987 2.0 Cordia turbo.  Search your junk piles!! 



This space for rent.

Re: 24 Hours of ECR--is it too soon to talk about it?

i got the four point welded into the tapeR last night. door bars and backstays will happen tomorrow night.

the Pinata has been started. the exhaust needs welded up and i'll be updating the cage and installing the lights when i get the tapeR done.

Team OK-Speed
Regularly losing in Class A
Soon to start losing in Class C