Topic: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

My wife is making a scrapbook from getting married at the Nelson Ledges Lemons race.  Just wondering if any of the drivers were able to get any pictures of the wedding or any tail happy antics from the number 33 Camaro.  You know the one that blew up EARLY.  Hopefully next year (providing we get accepted and there is a race at NL) we can do it again only last more laps.

"If she'll marry you at a crap can race...she's a keeper" big_smile
"The car only lasted an hour but the love will last a lifetime"

Many Thanks!

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

I've got a bunch, Chris, I'll email them to you.....

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

Thanks a bunch!  We're still waiting on some pics from our regular photographer. 

I heard MurileeMartin was writing something up on Jalopnik is that still in the cards?  That would be cool too, I think every guy should get married at a crap can race.   If we men have to be monogamous, we get to race crapcans!

***Thats my contribution to mankind wink****

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

WTF?  You got married at the Nelson Ledges?

Wow, and I thought my wife was cool for letting me race...  I'd love to see pics of this!

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

Yeah, I keep meaning to do a writeup on the first-ever Lemons wedding on Jalopnik, but keep getting dragged off by other projects.

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

That's fantastic!

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

It was one of the most surreal things I have every seen. I didn't believe and I had to walk over to see for my own eyes.

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?


But folks shouldn't seem so surprised-- if the guy is holding out long enough, the woman will likely agree to ANY opportunity to get married.

The woman who calls me her husband knew I was anti-marriage when we met and claimed that was fine... but then her insecurities started pecking away at her especially after 5 or so years together. When I pulled over in from of the Vegas marriage license bureau on our way out of town and said it's now or never, she practically leaped out of the car. And then she agreed to a quickie drive-through in our classic mini that had no AC and it was literally 114 in Vegas that July afternoon...

... but that "coolness" wears off once she has you, let me tell you. Not immediately, though. Enjoy it all while you can. But give it 5 or 6 years and then the car stuff she thought was "cool" to participate in becomes a "you'd rather do THAT than stay home and make googlie-eyes at one another?! Blah blah blah" I've been fighting the No Engagement Diamond thing now for another 5 years. She was fine not having one before, but it's a different story now.

Sheesh. Do I sound bitter? Well, I'm not bitter. I just feel duped sometimes.

Re: Married at NL Lemons Race, did anyone else get any pictures?

Thanks a bunch for the pics those are some nice shots. 

The woman puts up with Lemons racing and still doesnt have a ring.  That makes her better than oooo 70% off all women. 

Here's the wedding compilation (mixed in with Camaro blowed-up-ness) … dBirthday#