Re: How do you pronounce "Mayonnaise?"

psychoboy wrote:

I used to work for AT&T wireless customer care serving the whole country, and people would constantly ask me where I was from, because I usually didn't sound anything like them and I clearly wasn't in India. When I'd tell them I was in Oklahoma, they'd invariably say  "no...where are you from?" I'd tell them I was from Oklahoma, and had lived here my whole life. "You have absolutely no accent," to which I'd respond "my mother thanks you for the compliment."

I'll slip into a Texas-like drawl if the situation warrants, but some people who don't know me start getting freaky when that drawl is paired with my typical lexicon and word speed. Apparently, people who grew up south of the Mason-Dixon line aren't allowed to know any big words that aren't in the bible and aren't allowed to think any faster than molasses.

While living in Massachusetts (and to a lesser extent while in Missouri), if someone remarked on my lack of stereotypical Texas accent I would joke that, like most urbanites of the 70s, I'd learned to speak from Sesame Street. Then if time permitted I'd mess with their heads by demonstrating the differences between West Texas, South Texas, and East Texas accents in rapid succession.

ONSET/Tetanus Racing, est. 2008.
Guest drives: NSF, Rocket Surgery, Property Devaluation, Terminally Confused, Team Sputnik, The Syndicate, Pit Crew Revenge, Spank, Hella Shitty, Sir Jackie Stewart's Coin Purse, Nine Finger Drifters, Salty Thunder, Panting Polar Bear, Vistabeam, Hangar 13, and Escape Velocity.
74 races so far.