Topic: Recommend a car

Probably not for Lemons, hence off-topic forum. This would be for cruisin', stuntin', splodin' and maybe Ohio mile.

I think the Lemons crowd probably has the most far reaching library of neat cars and history. I have an engine and transmission, I need a car to go around them. T-bucket or chop top 30s pickup are on the list of potential candidates but there is probably some Eastern European 3 wheeler that was made by Churchill's cousin for 3 months in 1945 between the fall of Hitler and the rise of Stalin that I'm missing.

Looks cool
Wide engine bay (engine is 29" wide across valve covers)
Long wheelbase (engine is overpowered)
Roadster gets bonus points but hardtop is fine too
Good looking without fenders gets bonus points
Short engine bay is fine, engine is only 20" long

Note: Please don't recommend a Miata. I have actually had this thing installed in a Miata. Not enough space for cooling, intercooling, intake or exhaust. I also calculated that I would be able to lay down 11s up until 5th gear at 150MPH. Excessive 11s capability is welcome, but the 90" wheelbase is too risky.

2 (edited by EriktheAwful 2015-12-10 06:12 PM)

Re: Recommend a car

Re: Recommend a car … street+rod  WAGON[

The Roto-Racer '89 Merkur:  If it ain't rusting, It ain't racing.

'14 Real Hoopties of NJ: Judges Choice

Re: Recommend a car

1962 Buick Special.  Convertible or hardtop.