Topic: Internet access and signal at MSR, Tx?

At CMP my cell phone didnt work at the track and the Wireless DSL was slow when it worked.
How is it at MSR?  Do the Aircards work there?  I would like to be able to do updates from the track.


EuroTrash E30 - Lemons South 08 (cooling probs) 24th /CMP  Spring 09 (fuel tank damage) one day on track 69th /Lemons South 09 (Hit by an Escort) 27th
MSR Tx, 10 2oth, no issues other than rain. /CHump Homestead Miami 10- 2nd place.

Re: Internet access and signal at MSR, Tx?

Cell phone coverage is okay - we can't remember if the AT&T signal is Edge or 3G.  We've used our iProducts out there with success.  More tortoise than hare, but the data still moved.

I'm the doctor who is a wife. Which makes the grease hard to explain to my patients...

Re: Internet access and signal at MSR, Tx?

I am pretty sure MSR has wireless internet access.  I am not sue how good it is or how much is covers.

I borrowed an air card for a race a while back and it was good.

Cell coverage is good, no clue on 3g stuff since I don't use it.


#35 LRE
1973 Datsun 240Z

4 (edited by Fish 2010-02-16 09:08 PM)

Re: Internet access and signal at MSR, Tx?

Sprint has 3G coverage around MOST of the track but not all.

Re: Internet access and signal at MSR, Tx?

I was at MSR last night and the iProduct found a wifi network. I can't tell you how strong, but it's there.

I'm the doctor who is a wife. Which makes the grease hard to explain to my patients...