Topic: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

Who did you vote for to get crushed and/or think should have been crushed?  Which teams did you think had the cleanest and the dirtiest drivers?  Overall, was this race cleaner than previous Houston races?

2 (edited by YesIFit 2010-02-22 08:33 AM)

Re: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

We didn't turn in our ballot. There were some bad/dirty drivers out there, but nothing that warranted crushing in our opinion. Having said that, there were MANY more black flags than in the previous Houston races. I'm sure some of that was due to the rain, but apparently half of the drivers that drove during the rainy-bits have never heard of a wet-line...

Summer's Eve Racing - '09 Yee-Haw; '10 Gator-O-Rama, NorDal Hooptie, Yee-Haw; '11 Gator-O-Rama, NorDal Hooptie (Winner, Class A!)
TARP Racing - '11 Yee-Haw, Heaps; '12 Gator-O-Rama (Winner, Class C ... Looking for a Class B Win to Complete the Trifecta!), Heaps; '13 NorDal Hooptie, Gator-O-Rama

Re: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

A car was crushed, but mostly because the team abandoned it at the track.  And the guy driving the crusher was gooooood.  That car looked like a meatball when he was done.

I'm the doctor who is a wife. Which makes the grease hard to explain to my patients...

Re: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

doctawife wrote:

A car was crushed, but mostly because the team abandoned it at the track.  And the guy driving the crusher was gooooood.  That car looked like a meatball when he was done.

They left in the middle of night. I heard the explanation given to Jay.\


But the guy was only so good... He wanted the engine but couldn't rip out its heart.

Sons of STIG
Judge Jonny, "So, what's the next formerly thought to be immune from winning that will steal the nickels?An MR2? A Fierro (ha ha ha)? A Datsun/Nissan Z? A Camaro?"

Re: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

i was worried that they would have snatched ours for that.  We left ours out so another E30 team (Caddyshack) could borrow some parts of ours after the motor went south.

Serious Business Motorsports
'84 BMW 325e. 
Official...ish BP Raceteam of the North Dallas Hooptie.

Re: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

They probably requested the engine be the focus given that it was locked. 

A lesson in building a car for someone else...  If iTunes tracks are more important than getting out on the track before overheating and engine damage occurs, crushing is the next step in logic instead of repair.

Plain Jane '86 BMW 535i - Current
RIP People's Elbowed Protege - 2010

Re: Gator-O-Rama Crushing Choices?

doctawife wrote:

A car was crushed, but mostly because the team abandoned it at the track.  And the guy driving the crusher was gooooood.  That car looked like a meatball when he was done.

I've seen a few of these races and while I didn't see the crushing, I saw the remains of the car go by on a flatbed and WOW.  he pulverized that car so bad we couldn't recognize a single thing on it, it looked like car barf.  Most of the time the car is just banged up really good and suspension trashed.

Speed Racer Mach5 Mustang
Houston TX