Topic: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Hello fellow lunatics

I'm hoping to join you nuts in January for the Retreat from Moscow. (just trying to line up my holidays from work)

This will be my first Lemons event. Got a crap car lined up, a theme in mind, a mascot, bail money, and a willing co-pilot. What else do I need?

I have Facebook, will I need Instagram or Twitter? What else do I need to line up?

My biggest worry is crossing the border from Canada in my crap car. I figure I'll get laughed at or arrested. It's a 50-50 shot.

So any other help thoughts ideas or suggestions would be great. Even sarcastic, snide remarks will be accepted.


2019 Retreat from Moscow: Random Acts of Stupidity "winner"

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

You'll need Instagram.

If you're doing hotels, the "suggested" hotels list will come out via email at some point after you've registered.

Other than that, welcome to the dumbest thing you can do on public roads!

Driver, Pit Monkey, Rod Buster and Engine Fire Starter
Team FinalGear

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Just be glad the escape from moscow is far enough east that they won’t make you divert 2 hours to a las vegas overnight for no reason.

He posts while sitting in a lame off the strip casino hotel he slam-clicked into an hour ago.

There weren’t even checkpoints on the diversion up here.

Mistake By The Lake Racing (MBTL)
88 Thunderbird "THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!", Ex Astris, Rubigo / Semper Fracti
A&D: 2014 Sebrings at Sebring (NSF), 2014 NJMP2 Jurassic Park (SpeedyCop), 2012 Summit Point J30 (PiNuts)
2018 Route Sucky-Suck Rally Miata, 2019 World Tour Of Texas 64 Newport

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Guildenstern wrote:

Just be glad the escape from moscow is far enough east that they won’t make you divert 2 hours to a las vegas overnight for no reason.

He posts while sitting in a lame off the strip casino hotel he slam-clicked into an hour ago.

There weren’t even checkpoints on the diversion up here.

It must be awful smile

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Guildenstern wrote:

Just be glad the escape from moscow is far enough east that they won’t make you divert 2 hours to a las vegas overnight for no reason.

He posts while sitting in a lame off the strip casino hotel he slam-clicked into an hour ago.

There weren’t even checkpoints on the diversion up here.

Retreat From Moscow 1: Waffle House Day. Drive all the way from Carolina to Memphis. No checkpoints except tail of the dragon first thing in the morning and "stop at some waffle houses", and it was possible to have done all of those before even getting to tail of the dragon. So basically, drive all the way across Tennessee, the long way. And there was a Garth Brooks double header show in town, so it was Vegas level crazy.

Next day's first checkpoint required driving back to very nearly Nashville.

RfM 2: Electric Boogaloo didn't have any gratuitously distant overnight stops, but did send us to a place that literally did not exist - 'get pictures of signs with these funny town names on them' - on of the towns was one of those map copy protection artifacts and was located in a patch of woods with nothing but somebody's house and/or cult compound in it.

Driver, Pit Monkey, Rod Buster and Engine Fire Starter
Team FinalGear

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Now you guys are making me nervous.  hmm

2019 Retreat from Moscow: Random Acts of Stupidity "winner"

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

JoshTheBassist wrote:
Guildenstern wrote:

Just be glad the escape from moscow is far enough east that they won’t make you divert 2 hours to a las vegas overnight for no reason.

He posts while sitting in a lame off the strip casino hotel he slam-clicked into an hour ago.

There weren’t even checkpoints on the diversion up here.

It must be awful smile

It was, I loathe “The strip” and its whole attitude. Fake fun for fake people.

Mistake By The Lake Racing (MBTL)
88 Thunderbird "THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!", Ex Astris, Rubigo / Semper Fracti
A&D: 2014 Sebrings at Sebring (NSF), 2014 NJMP2 Jurassic Park (SpeedyCop), 2012 Summit Point J30 (PiNuts)
2018 Route Sucky-Suck Rally Miata, 2019 World Tour Of Texas 64 Newport

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

one other thing to bring, is your sense of humor. Things are not supposed to go right. You are not supposed to be able to get all the check points. You are probably going to go places that don't get you any points, and cause you frustration and cost money and time. Relax. Enjoy it. This is not a serious competition. It's fun with cars. The crappier the car, the more fun you can have.

I Survived Hell on Wheels, Car Weeeak, Route Sucky Suck, etc.

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Well it is official! I'm registered for the Retreat from Moscow!!!

Now I just gotta get the car ready. Watch out for the Gran Detroit, Farm and Country Turbo!

2019 Retreat from Moscow: Random Acts of Stupidity "winner"

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019
This is our back up motor for the rally

2019 Retreat from Moscow: Random Acts of Stupidity "winner"

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Recommended hotels and some more info are on the Retreat From Moscow page.

Eric Rood
Everything Bagel, 24 Hours of Lemons

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

TWO DoubleTrees!? You want to make me fat, don't you?

Driver, Pit Monkey, Rod Buster and Engine Fire Starter
Team FinalGear

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

Sheeeeeeeeit, y'all are gettin' too fancy now.

Re: Retreat from Moscow 2019

I'll be stopping by the double tree to hang out with all you idiots.

Cause of course, I was not ready to play.

But maybe next year.

88 Festiva  -  Damn Tree!!!
"We Are Not Really From Iran" Festiva  -  2.5 V6 from a 626