Topic: Streaming from Car Setups

Hey everyone,

We’ve done two races so far. Both races we streamed and it been good but looking to do it better. Our setup was a Laptop in the paddock running Streamlabs, using the Webcam on the laptop, then having a prepaid cellphone in the car running a website called VOD.Ninja that uses the camera on a cellphone to send to Streamlabs. That way we had the camera in the car, and we could interact with whatever viewers we had.

I have a GoPro 10 and a Logitech Mevo. Looking to set that up as a RTMP camera with a MiFi in the car. Then loading that into Streamlabs. That’s one option. I’ve seen other devices that can take HDMI inputs and compress it for streaming, but do those devices have a battery? That way when the car turns off for pit stops, they keep running?

Looking for any other options or input. My brain hurts from a week of messing around!

Re: Streaming from Car Setups

There is a Facebook group 'Race car live streaming trial & error'.  You might get some ideas there.

Team whatever_racecar #745 Volvo wagon