Topic: New team in Los Angeles (South Bay) looking for local help

I've been wanting to participate in Lemons for years and finally took the first step by purchasing a non-running Mk4 GTI 1.8t from OfferUp for a couple hundred bucks. I got the car running pretty easily -- amazing what a junkyard battery and some eBay coil packs will do -- but could definitely use some local help finding a cage builder. Any recommendations in the LA area?

Aside from a cage, I'd gladly meet any other Lemons-experienced Angelenos just to learn from your experience -- first couple beers on me!

Re: New team in Los Angeles (South Bay) looking for local help

I believe pit garage makes decent cages for a reasonable price. They've done a couple miatas and it looked pretty good, not sure if they do VW's.

Full Ass Racing
#455 Piñata Miata - 1990 Miata
#735 BMDollhÜr 7Turdy5i - 1990 735i