Topic: New Team in Grand Rapids MI Looking for Local Help

Hello I am the Captain of Team TBD,

We are pretty much at ground zero at this point except for we have some themes and team names jotted down (the important stuff). Have some ideas of what cars we want to try and get: Honda Civic, Toyota Camry, Hyundai Elantra, Kia Spectra are primarily what we have looked at with a manual. I can't call us mechanics more dummys with tools and youtube so looking for a car that has a ton of available parts and is easier to work on.

One specific area of concern is the roll cage looking for local help on getting that right.

Are there any teams located in the area that would be willing to lend any advice or contacts for a car or someone to help with the roll cage that would be excellent!

Trying to get out to Gingerman 2024!

Re: New Team in Grand Rapids MI Looking for Local Help

This may solve your which car and cage dilemma but keep an eye out for a prebuilt/pre-raced one. You'll sink $4-7k into the car (plus another $1-2k of spares and upgrades)... let someone else take the hit and buy their prebuilt Lemons car for the $3-6k range. One of my cars will be going up for sale next year, but I'm sure there's more/better local options for you.

Full Ass Racing
#455 Piñata Miata - 1990 Miata
#735 BMDollhÜr 7Turdy5i - 1990 735i

Re: New Team in Grand Rapids MI Looking for Local Help

I am keeping my eye on the Lemons Cars for sale and may go that route because we are a New team and really have no idea what we are getting into. But the curiosity of can we build one might take over and we still might try and build our own car.

Appreciate the insight!