Topic: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

What could possibly go wrong, wearing this shirt when it's CONDITION GODDAMN ORANGE?

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Ha-ha-ha! That's hilarious! "CAVITY SEARCH, LINE 2!!"

"Real ZomBees prefer Bacon"
IOE(x2) MGB/SAAB 96, Judge's Choice, Class C Win, & 2011 Hooniverse Car of the Year!
MRolla, Stick Figure/Animal House, Free Range MR2, SAAB Sonett, "The Death Flip"
2008 Exoskeleton Jag Fiasco, Concours d Lemons - Rue Britannia, worse British car.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt


Team Merikuh
Omaha '10 wussed out, lost too many drivers sad
"Simplify, then add Awesome"

4 (edited by Mulry 2010-07-11 06:07 PM)

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Jeffrey Goldberg's article in the November '08 issue of The Atlantic would suggest that due to the "security theatre" mindset at Homeland Security, Jay is probably less likely to get cavity searched due to that shirt. Make sure to catch the part about the author getting through security on a fake boarding pass, getting the "security squiggle" by a DHS pen, and getting all the way to the gate. Interesting relevant excerpt:

On another occasion, at LaGuardia, in New York, the transportation-security officer in charge of my secondary screening emptied my carry-on bag of nearly everything it contained, including a yellow, three-foot-by-four-foot Hezbollah flag, purchased at a Hezbollah gift shop in south Lebanon. The flag features, as its charming main image, an upraised fist clutching an AK-47 automatic rifle. Atop the rifle is a line of Arabic writing that reads THEN SURELY THE PARTY OF GOD ARE THEY WHO WILL BE TRIUMPHANT. The officer took the flag and spread it out on the inspection table. She finished her inspection, gave me back my flag, and told me I could go. I said, “That’s a Hezbollah flag.” She said, “Uh-huh.” Not “Uh-huh, I’ve been trained to recognize the symbols of anti-American terror groups, but after careful inspection of your physical person, your behavior, and your last name, I’ve come to the conclusion that you are not a Bekaa Valley–trained threat to the United States commercial aviation system,” but “Uh-huh, I’m going on break, why are you talking to me?” … ried/7057/

And yes, that's a proud Texas conservative citing The Atlantic. Open-minded and curious does not belong to any one particular political credo. smile

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

It does seem pretty arbitrary...I once went to Dubai on business and the stamp in my passport (and maybe my beard) made every trip to the US for the next two years like "twenty questions" at the border....the temptation to look the guy in the eye and say (with my best foreign accent) "I visit  America atomic facility for purpose of tourism" would have been overwhelming except that they never seem to have a sense of humour...

Jim "Endo" Anderton
30 years of racing and still not Brambilla.....

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

I'm sure it was more due to the pic of Lieberman than the writing.

The Homer: Powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerf ball.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

He does look suspiciously non-WASPy

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

yeah i totally commented on Jalopnik about this. It only makes me want one more!

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Serj wrote:

yeah i totally commented on Jalopnik about this. It only makes me want one more!

And I will reply to your post here, as I did there ... I hope they have them in Houston!

Summer's Eve Racing - '09 Yee-Haw; '10 Gator-O-Rama, NorDal Hooptie, Yee-Haw; '11 Gator-O-Rama, NorDal Hooptie (Winner, Class A!)
TARP Racing - '11 Yee-Haw, Heaps; '12 Gator-O-Rama (Winner, Class C ... Looking for a Class B Win to Complete the Trifecta!), Heaps; '13 NorDal Hooptie, Gator-O-Rama

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

I just wish you all could have the seen the rest of us standing there laughing at him. For ten minutes.

"This is the scene where I get shot," Bronson said. "I have these little squibs that explode to make it look like bullets are hitting." "Fascinating," said Bergman. "I never knew how they did that." "You mean," asked Bronson, "you don't use machine guns in your movies?"

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

this sort of reporting demands video!

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Serj wrote:

this sort of reporting demands video!

We considered that. Then we figured they'd haul the lot of us off and do cruel things to us behind closed doors.

"This is the scene where I get shot," Bronson said. "I have these little squibs that explode to make it look like bullets are hitting." "Fascinating," said Bergman. "I never knew how they did that." "You mean," asked Bronson, "you don't use machine guns in your movies?"

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Judge Jonny wrote:

Then we figured they'd haul the lot of us off and do cruel things to us behind closed doors.

Oh, the irony.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Obviously the drug dogs in Denver suck cause Jay and crew have to be one of the largest Speed cartels around.

Nice to see Jonny and Phil back at a race and on the forum, welcome back.


#35 LRE
1973 Datsun 240Z

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Mulry wrote:

OY, the irony.

Fixed your post.

Also, The Atlantic?  Really?  When you subscribe to The Nation... then you can tell us.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

It's not May Day. Go back into your hole, Comrade.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

I'll be bringing some BAKSHEESH! shirts to MSR, but all I've got left are the big sizes (2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL).

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Judge Phil wrote:

I'll be bringing some BAKSHEESH! shirts to MSR, but all I've got left are the big sizes (2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL).

The 4XL might fit over my costume... But normally I wear a large.

That sucks. I really wanted one.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

Judge Phil wrote:

I'll be bringing some BAKSHEESH! shirts to MSR, but all I've got left are the big sizes (2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL).

So you just have men's sizes left.

Re: Jay hassled at airport for wearing BAKSHEESH! shirt

JUst wash it in boiling water then set the drier to "surface of the SUN."