Topic: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

Hey everyone!

The B-Team just wants to thank all the organizers, crew, corner workers, and participants for making this our most fun race yet.

In particular, thanks to the Huey Newis and the Lose for letting us share their covered paddock space, feeding us, and giving us oil when we realized we didn't bring enough and Gretta started drinking it at a rate of 1qt/hour.

Thanks to F'ed Up for giving us a wheel when we got a flat with two hours to go and our shot at the win was slipping away rapidly.

Thanks to Eyesore and Death Cab for being great teams and making us try harder.

Also, note to selves- choose climate-appropriate themes. Dark suits and lycra bodysuits in 90* heat is a recipe for olfactory awesometown. The only comfortable team member was the husband of our Gogo who decided to wear her outfit instead. We laughed. Then we were jealous. Then we laughed more.

Hope to see you all at Buttonwillow!

- The B-Team, KILL PHIL!

Re: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

You guys are a class act and keep getting better with every event!
This was the most fun I ever had at the track! Its common for some things in life to get old over the years, but thanks to Lemons and the great people I get to race with, this shit just gets better and better.

J. Farina
POS Racing
(Spin-N-Out Racing - Current)
(F'ed Up Express - Retired)

Re: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

Excellent to see you and your car at the top of the result sheets.  I saw nothing but class-act driving out there on the track.  Hope to see you at B-Willow.



Re: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

I've got that Kill Phil poster up on my office wall now. Never thought my career path would lead me to this.

Re: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

Enjoyed chatting with you in the paddock, and loved the theme! (from the Daihatsu theme)

Team Dai Hard Home Page

1989 Daihatsu Charade

Re: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

That Daihatsu is nuts, though I think it needs a bigger radiator, maybe two.

Thanks for the loan of tools when we couldn't get that crappy oil sensor out of the block...

Chotus! Chotus! Chotus! Chotus!

Re: Thanks, fellow Arse-Sweaters!

Great job, guys (and gals)!  We enjoy hanging out with you and thanks for all the help when the old Bavarian Ranchero needs it.  Plus it is fun to chase you.  One day we will catch up (watch your mirrors: we are going to splurge for wheels wider than 5" and lighter than 100# each before the next race)

Paul, aka BuFord Hogswaller:  Team Captain, Team Bavarian Ranchero and Team Pink Lloyd