Topic: Drivers suit question.

Hi everyone, newb here, I look forward to running in the Oct Chicago race. My question is this, can a two piece 3.2/5a be used. I see the dirt cheap ones on the site are one piece and the rules make no mention, unless I am blind or can't read (the later might be partly true). Thanks for the help.

All great moments start with the phrase "hey man, hold my beer"

Re: Drivers suit question.

I have run with a 2 piece ProFoxRacing ( suit and have been very happy. Their underwear is lightweight and dries quickly. Their 3 layer 3.2A suit has a higher TPP than other suits. The only down side is that they are heavy and fairly hot. I like being able to take off the jacket when not in the car. Also it is better to find a jacket and pants that fit, they can be different sizes.

1985 528e Near Orbital Space Monkeys-GONE to orbit
1989 Rustang- "It's not like it's totally undriveable..."
"We came in pieces. We left in more..."

Re: Drivers suit question.

As long as you're wearing both pieces, a pants/jacket setup is just as good as a onesie.

Driver, Pit Monkey, Rod Buster and Engine Fire Starter
Team FinalGear

Re: Drivers suit question.

Thanks, I figured,  just didn't want to buy a two piece and then have it rejected on race day.

All great moments start with the phrase "hey man, hold my beer"

Re: Drivers suit question.

2 piece suits scare the crap out of me, although one of my team members has one. You figure by the time you would need it, there's too high a risk of burning your belly, especially if someone is pulling you out by the shoulders.

It Ain't My Fault

Re: Drivers suit question.

The overlap on my suit is something like a foot. Add in the fact that the TPP rating is higher than most one piece suits and I'll take the chance in order to have a suit that fits. That being said, if someone offered me a comparable one-piece that was light, fit well and cost the same amount I'd take it.  Anyway, check out the ProFox suits (one piece and two piece).

1985 528e Near Orbital Space Monkeys-GONE to orbit
1989 Rustang- "It's not like it's totally undriveable..."
"We came in pieces. We left in more..."

Re: Drivers suit question.

I'm the doctor who is a wife. Which makes the grease hard to explain to my patients...