Topic: Maybe not dirt racing, but how about RALLY Lemons!

As awesome as the leapfrog passing video is, it also underscores what miserable clusterfu&@ a Lemons style dirt race would be. On the other hand a two day stage rally format would be a lot safer and still hella fun!

RetroRacing-1973 Super! Beetle
Nine Finger Drifters- 1982 te72 Toyota Corolla Wagon (BEAMS PWRD!)
My one man show: G. D. Yo-Man: No! YOU Ams Da A&&hole!
2010 CMP Fall-Judges' Choice, 2014 Barber-DFL and I Got Screwed!, 3X- You Talk Shit Better Than You Race (YTSBTYR) Award, 2017 NCM- IOE (thanks, Speedy!), 2018 Inde-Heroic Fix, 2019 Inde-Winner C Class

Re: Maybe not dirt racing, but how about RALLY Lemons!

Do want.

Rednektified Racing - Team Captain
#101 Moby Slick
2010: Yee-Haw "Most horrible yank tank" (DNF)

Re: Maybe not dirt racing, but how about RALLY Lemons!

I always like the idea of a 50-50 race....where 1/2 is dirt and the other is paved.....most likely a train wreck...but it sure would be interesting

Richard Doty
1984 Porsche 928 "Estate"
Porsche- "there is A substitute" Racing
Dirt Poorsche Racing #2

Re: Maybe not dirt racing, but how about RALLY Lemons!

We should get the Pikes Peak hillclimb folks to let us have a Lemons division. That's half paved, half dirt. I wonder if any of us could make it to the top.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Maybe not dirt racing, but how about RALLY Lemons!

I second that !

RetroRacing-1973 Super! Beetle
Nine Finger Drifters- 1982 te72 Toyota Corolla Wagon (BEAMS PWRD!)
My one man show: G. D. Yo-Man: No! YOU Ams Da A&&hole!
2010 CMP Fall-Judges' Choice, 2014 Barber-DFL and I Got Screwed!, 3X- You Talk Shit Better Than You Race (YTSBTYR) Award, 2017 NCM- IOE (thanks, Speedy!), 2018 Inde-Heroic Fix, 2019 Inde-Winner C Class

Re: Maybe not dirt racing, but how about RALLY Lemons!

Mulry wrote:

I wonder if any of us could make it to the top.

Not even if we got out and walked the remainder!

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John