Topic: Ice Racing/Lemons is there really a differance?

Wouldn't our cars make excellant Ice race cars?  Swap tires out for studded tires, take off sway bars, and have at it?   Last winter I went to a Ice race and watched about 25 cars thrash around the race track for 3-4 hours.  (they are Ice race enduros) The level of prep was not massively differant than a Typical Lemons race, (Well except for the theme bit). 
    I'm certain that if  we showed up as a $500 class they would be thrilled to have us run with them. 
Just for information even at 20 below if you're driving, you're sweating!  I wasn't dressed all that warm and yet even as just a spectator I wasn't cold.. If I had been the warm cars could have been sat in to watch the event and a lot of crews had heaters etc. set up so in the event of needed work the guys didn't freeze.

Re: Ice Racing/Lemons is there really a differance?

Sounds like a great idea to me...and it gets us away from the oppressive heat of Texas, California, N. Carolina, Connecticut, etc.

Jim "Endo" Anderton
30 years of racing and still not Brambilla.....