Topic: bacon
dad made chocolate covered bacon for christmas. I also got a bacon shirt, and ornament.
bacon is like christmas, only in the form of food.
enjoy the holidays everyone!
The 24 Hours of Lemons Forums → Drivers Lounge → bacon
dad made chocolate covered bacon for christmas. I also got a bacon shirt, and ornament.
bacon is like christmas, only in the form of food.
enjoy the holidays everyone!
Merry Christmas buddy. Have a great one, we will see you next year!
I read "bacon covered chocolate". Which, somehow, sounds even more delicious than chocolate covered bacon.
Have a good one Soggy, see ya at Gingerman!
Its going to be a Bloody Mary Christmas for me
bacon and stilton beignets (and the helicopter)
bacon and cashew caramel corn.....
i got all kinds of stuff, and i gave all kinds of stuff, but some things are difficult to top.
Thick sliced bacon w/ a roasted pepper and provalone omelet.
Here's a picture of how to make bacon pancakes
I think bacon should not be mixed with anything, except other types of bacon.
Judge Phil, bacon fascist.
Fuck bacon.
Pork chops!
Made homemade bacon today: Pork stomach, thinly sliced, rubbed with a mixture of maple syrup, salt, and pepper.
I think bacon should not be mixed with anything, except other types of bacon.
Breakfast today: 1 bacon & coffee
Judge Phil wrote:I think bacon should not be mixed with anything, except other types of bacon.
Breakfast today: 1 bacon* & coffee
*It counts as1 bacon if pieces are stuck together.
I think bacon should not be mixed with anything, except other types of bacon.
Judge Phil, bacon fascist.
*I* am no such purist. The world is awash with delicious flavors for those who have no swine-belly-scruples. And when you buy bacon in bulk (like we do) it tends to find itself into all kinds of marvelous dishes...
Bacon flapjacks, bacon mac & cheese, spicy bacon tomato soup, bacon toffee...
...yes, bacon toffee. The OHMYGAWDITSFREAKINGAWESOME candy of the year...
Also, for Christmas I received a package from Alan of Cowdriver/Humber Super-Snipe fame. Inside was an awesome tin sign that pretty much sums things up... and will proudly find a wall for display in my living room (when Super-Spouse isn't looking).
Thanks Alan! I'd have shared this earlier but for my 2 weeks on the couch crying, moaning and sneezing like a baby.
I'm glad you like the sign, Pete. When I saw it in the store, I instantly knew exactly who needed it.
To root for the 49ers is unnatural but my hatred for the dirty birds is greater than my love for Bacon. The thought of them playing for the championship in our sacred dome is unspeakable.
May be a repost, still funny.
It would take a brave man to show up at a Lemons race with this theme.
It would take a brave man to show up at a Lemons race with this theme.
Why not just burn the Koran in Pakistan wearing a Bacon suit.
I remember my parents used to cook Sizzlean. As a little kid, I was so confused about what real bacon was, but at least it was still salty particle-pig.
sizzlean is far less blasphemous than... veggie bacon
You wouldn't get this kind of hang over from veggie bacon . <ducks as wrenches are thrown at her>
The 24 Hours of Lemons Forums → Drivers Lounge → bacon