How much does NSF love you? Lemme see... how 'bout this much...

That is one fine hunk of 2.2L Chrysler Iacocca powered non-hemi, but hemi-oranged piece o' steel. See that crank? Brand effin' new. The block? Heat tanked and shot-blasted. The machine shop says this block is 1/10,000 - forged by the Gods of Detroit (far before the recession). Apparently it's being align-honed tonight - I'm not sure what that means, but if I had a couple of spare cylinders I'd hone the shite out of 'em - just for grins. See those brass freeze plugs? Hammered so gently, yet so firmly by the neanderthal man-hands of Ronman. See that little hand mirror on the floor in the background? You want to know why it's on the floor? BECAUSE WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' MIRRORS... we are not going backwards. To K-it forward is to do exactly that - move forward.
It can be yours. You may race this fine steed. You must trick the current owners into giving it to you. Is that unexpected? NO, because as we've learned from the Lemons Supreme Court, all racers are liars and we're all racers here, no?
But wait, there's more!

You see that?! That is one fine piece of aluminum HENCHO'D EN MEXICO'D. That may not put your mind at ease, but you know what? 'dem bearings and lifters are brand effin' new! Those finely calibrated bits of steel were also seated with the loving man-hands of the Ronman.... who you may liberally blame when the K-car goes tits-up (despite you deciding to use the shifter and row all the gears past redline). So, there you go. It's all going back together in the next few days. It's likely going to look completely different at the end of the season, but we hope we're sending it off with the best chance of making it westward. Personally, we're hoping someone makes it RWD and drops a big block or a diesel or a big bike engine under the hood.... and gives it 'stance'.... and maybe some crazy aero... because we all know that 80's Chrysler never had enough aero in the master plan.
Speedycop/NSF Racing /Pinewood Dirtbags
'10 Summit, CMP3, Autobahn, '11 CMP1, NJMP, CMP2, Summit, G'man, Stafford, Charlotte, Autobahn, ECR '12 CMP1, NJMP, G'man, NHMS1, Summit, CMP2, NHMS2, ECR, '13 CMP1, ECR, Summit, NJMP, THill, CMP2, MSR, NHMS, Sears '14 Barber, Sears1, ECR, CMP1, NJMP1, BWillow, Sebring, CMP2, THill, Sears2, '15 Sears1, Barber, Ridge, THill, '16 Sears1