1 (edited by bongle 2009-05-27 08:13 AM)

Topic: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

When I saw Murilee's post a few weeks ago about models, I poked through the site and saw they had a 5th-gen civic model.  So obviously, I had to get one.

The real car in action (thanks Murilee for sending me this picture):

The fake car in action:
Foreground: Evidence of extraordinary nerdiness
Background: Further evidence of extraordinary nerdiness

If you ever thought building a rollcage was hard, you haven't tried building a 1/24 rollcage out of the plastic frames that hold model pieces

Car to Pit telemetry (OBD2, GPS, and analog inputs) with little more than a phone, router, and laptop.  It's not MacGuyver, it's WifiLapper (forum | facebook)

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

Wow! Anyone interested in a Lemons model contest?

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

MurileeMartin wrote:

Wow! Anyone interested in a Lemons model contest?


Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

MurileeMartin wrote:

Wow! Anyone interested in a Lemons model contest?

Wait a minute I thought we were making models at 1/1 scale.
No seriously.. I would be in for a model contest.

Team: V-Ram/Altamont Team: Knights of the Round Track/Reno/Buttonwillow/Thunderhill Team: Death Mobile/Sears 2010/Thunderhill/ChumpCar  Spokane/ MSR Houston/Buttonwillow/Sears. MRolla Project /Reno

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

Bender/StickFigureRacing wrote:
MurileeMartin wrote:

Wow! Anyone interested in a Lemons model contest?

Wait a minute I thought we were making models at 1/1 scale.
No seriously.. I would be in for a model contest.

I'd love to see how you get that holy hand grenade on the front of your model.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

Mulry wrote:
Bender/StickFigureRacing wrote:
MurileeMartin wrote:

Wow! Anyone interested in a Lemons model contest?

Wait a minute I thought we were making models at 1/1 scale.
No seriously.. I would be in for a model contest.

I'd love to see how you get that holy hand grenade on the front of your model.

I am already thinking I need to have all of the action figures to go with the car.
Including the Black Knight stuck on the back.

Team: V-Ram/Altamont Team: Knights of the Round Track/Reno/Buttonwillow/Thunderhill Team: Death Mobile/Sears 2010/Thunderhill/ChumpCar  Spokane/ MSR Houston/Buttonwillow/Sears. MRolla Project /Reno

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

Gratuitous beaver shot: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs017.snc1/4516_83301274494_36766739494_1891352_4369276_n.jpg

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

I'd kinda like to do a Jalopnik post about your model. Got any more photos? If so, email them to me, preferably in high resolution.

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

One of our team members also made a Pinewood replica of version 1.0 of our car:



Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

Needs more duct tape

"This is the scene where I get shot," Bronson said. "I have these little squibs that explode to make it look like bullets are hitting." "Fascinating," said Bergman. "I never knew how they did that." "You mean," asked Bronson, "you don't use machine guns in your movies?"

Re: Now I just need a 1/24 Toledo Speedway...

Judge Jonny wrote:

Needs more duct tape


You mean like the 1:24 duct tape on this model?