Topic: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

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Dudes Ex Machina:

?Everyone who has ever built anywhere a 'new heaven' first found the power thereto in his own hell- Frederick Nietzsche

Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

Would I serve this with a chablis, a chianti, or Coors Light?  Or a Zima?

Any tips on table decorations?

And is it proper etiquette to lift one's pinky when farting at the dinner table?

Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

I just ate lunch, but I'm already hungry again...

Thanks a lot.

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Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

When I do bacon wrapped dogs, I top them with onions that I have caramelized with a little bit of jalapeno (or other hot pepper) and some sour cream.  Good for you?  No.  Not a bit.  Tasty?  Oh heck yeah!

Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

I like the bacon part.

"Real ZomBees prefer Bacon"
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Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

After we were good and drunk at Chuckwalla (but still only about 9pm, it gets dark early out there) we had a second dinner of grilled bacon wrapped brats with cheese. Awesome

Constructor/Owner/Driver - Billy Beer Ford Futura

7 (edited by CaptainCardigan 2013-04-18 11:36 AM)

Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

papal_smear wrote:

Would I serve this with a chablis, a chianti, or Coors Light?  Or a Zima?

Any tips on table decorations?

And is it proper etiquette to lift one's pinky when farting at the dinner table?

- The appropriate beverage serving would be Mogen David of the Two-Aught/Two-Aught variety.

- Table decorations are strictly limited to a passed out cousin, a pathetic looking (though overweight cat) and a roll of POM 2000.

- One should only life their pinky for a 'Silent But Deadly', when something more prodigious is evacuated, it is proper to begin a congratulatory round of high fives or fist pump the air around.

However, this place has some good dogs:

[Edited for Link and GRAMHAMER]

Captain of Virtuous Authority and Tool Underdevelopment: Escape Velocity Racing
- Ten+ Time Loser
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Re: dinner recomendation - bacon wrapped dogs and baked fries

CaptainCardigan wrote:

The appropriate beverage serving would be Mogen David of the Two-Aught/Two-Aught variety.

Ah, the one that comes out the same color as when it went in...