Topic: Situationial Penalty Ideas

I keep forgetting to mention them here until now, but here they are:

At last year's BFE GP, Phil was saying how PowerPoint's main strength was making terrible ideas seem like good ones, so The PowerPoint Penalty:  In which the offending team must do a presentation on how their low-percentage passing attempt or 4-off or what have you is actually a totally feasible idea.

This year I was talking with Mary(I don't remember the context) and I did a little dance, singing "...and that's why I spun out!"(With jazz hands).  Boom, Showtunes Penalty.

Finally, I was hanging out in the Penalty Box at Halloween Hooptiefest when a lady in a fire truck costume who asked what she should tell people her crime was, as people had assumed she was serving some sort of penalty.  I blurted out, "Pit speeding!  It's the 'Where's The Fire Penalty'!".  Jay seemed to like it.

1978 AMC Pacer - The Blue Flag Special
BFE GP '12 - IOE
BFE GP '13 - Co-Organizer's Choice w/ Speed Holes Wrenching

Re: Situationial Penalty Ideas

Showtunes would make for great video fodder, but imagine the collision of hilarious and awful that would become of a web gallery of "our_penalty.pps" files... I can hear Phil saying (in his gruff "Judge-time" voice), "Go off and add more 4-wheel-off clip art to slides 4 and 5, and then we'll let you back on track."

ONSET/Tetanus Racing, est. 2008.
Guest drives: NSF, Rocket Surgery, Property Devaluation, Terminally Confused, Team Sputnik, The Syndicate, Pit Crew Revenge, Spank, Hella Shitty, Sir Jackie Stewart's Coin Purse, Nine Finger Drifters, Salty Thunder, Panting Polar Bear, Vistabeam, Hangar 13, and Escape Velocity.
74 races so far.

Re: Situationial Penalty Ideas

The Death By PowerPoint penalty works as a two-parter.

(1) Team 1 must create a PowerPoint using a requisite number of corporate buzzwords, useless graphs, repetitive bulletpoints, inspirational quotes with little-to-no relevance to actual content, and monotone "narration" that consists entirely of reading the presentation verbatim.

(2) Team 2--who have recently been penalized for an offense that requires the whole team present--must sit through the presentation and ask questions with a list of buzzwords to shoehorn in.

Eric Rood
Everything Bagel, 24 Hours of Lemons

Re: Situationial Penalty Ideas

Since I had watched way to many cable reality tv shows...

Trading Racecars - A take on trading places where 2 teams, presumably 2 teams that did something together like running into each other, would have to redecorate the other teams car.  Give them 30 minutes to give the other teams car a new theme.  Take a vote of the crowd and the team that did the best job decorating the other car gets to go back racing while the other team has to sit out for another 30 minutes.

Racing 4 Nickels - 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
2012 The Chubba Cheddar Enduro Class C winner
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Re: Situationial Penalty Ideas

BoB wrote:

Since I had watched way to many cable reality tv shows...

Trading Racecars - A take on trading places where 2 teams, presumably 2 teams that did something together like running into each other, would have to redecorate the other teams car.  Give them 30 minutes to give the other teams car a new theme.  Take a vote of the crowd and the team that did the best job decorating the other car gets to go back racing while the other team has to sit out for another 30 minutes.


"We Got Screwed" NHMS 2017, 4th NHMS 2020,  4th NJMP 2021,
"Judges Choice" NHMS 2021,10th NJMP 2022, 3rd Thompson 2022
#847 Batmobile  aka-"Beulah"  search Squidrope Racing on Facebook