1 (edited by widgetsltd 2009-12-17 08:43 AM)

Topic: could this be the new "official" techno of Lemons?

A group of youths spend two weeks preparing, then make techno using their Jeep to create all the sounds:

http://tv.gawker.com/5426197/one-jeep-g … asterpiece

Team Co-Craptain, Los Cerdos Voladores
Plymouth Neon
Yeah, we're horrible...but we're LEAST Horrible

Re: could this be the new "official" techno of Lemons?

Not bad... BT made a track with all the bass beats being recording from a guy taking a sledge to a car. If I can find the track I think that would be more apropo

Sons of STIG
Judge Jonny, "So, what's the next formerly thought to be immune from winning that will steal the nickels?An MR2? A Fierro (ha ha ha)? A Datsun/Nissan Z? A Camaro?"