Re: Nein11 In car camera accident view

doctordel wrote:
pnelson wrote:

On facebook I posed a frame sequence showing the inside view of the crash.  The only reason our driver walked away completely fine (no concussion) was because of the HANS he was wearing.  You can see it go fully taut in the span of a single frame. … 429901654/

Would you consider posting this on YouTube or another site with general access for us unplugged naves? I have a lecture coming up on head and neck injuries for the residents and would like to give them a few real-world examples to demonstrate mechanism of injury.

Seconded!  I have no connection to the myBookFaceSpace.

He's a new man now, part of the machine,
His nerves of metal and his blood oil.
The clutch curses, but the gears obey,
His least bidding, and lo, he's away.