Topic: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

I'm planning on using an incar camera for the feb cmp race for the first time.  I have a Aiptek A-HD+1080p with a 16gb card.  Looks like I can do 720p 60fps for hours or DVD quality 60fps for 8 hours.

What should I do, film at the 720HD for four hours and change to another card in the middle of the race or film at dvd quality and not worry about changing?

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

I would go 720p if you only have to change it once.  Out of the entire race you'll end up editing it to about 5 minutes of excitement.  You'll be glad to have the higher definition then.  This assumes that your team is not so competitive that driving the car back to your pit for a driver change is out.  I've heard that changing camera cards is a no-no in the hot pit.

Can you get a 32G card?  That would make your life easier.  Also: don't forget about powering the camera.  I doubt the batteries will last 8 hours straight.

Our Lady of Perpetual Downforce

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

I already bought the 16gb card, I should have bought a 32gb to start with because 2 16gb cards cost the same as a 32gb one.

As for power, I'm just going to use an inverter and use the a/c adapter that came with the camera

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

We had the same camera and mem card setup in our car at CMP last Fall....
We just let it run all day at DVD/60fps (external power also).  The footage was good quality, but I don't think 60fps was needed.  I will probably change it to 720HD @ 30fps for next month's race - same record time with improved resolution.

Two important items:
1 - Get a wide angle lens (~$40 on Amazon).  It makes a HUGE improvement in the field of view...

2.  Put a couple band-aides over the microphone on the top to minimize wind noise.  Ours still picked up racing sounds just fine.

Here is some footage from September's race:  (a lot of quality was lost in Youtube conversion)

Team SOB

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

What is the multimeter for on your car's dash?

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

That camera looks like a pretty good choice, especially if you can get a whole day on a 32Gb card without having to do a media swap at a pit stop.

How did you mount it in/to the car? Does it have a standard tripod-mount receptacle in the bottom?

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

The upcoming CMP in feb will be my race using an incar cam.  This camera does have a standard 1/4 inch tripod receptacle, but it need to be braced along one side to prevent bouncing.  I just took a piece of thick sheet metal and bent it into an "L" and screwed the camera on that and used a rubber band to wrap around the camera and brace.  I then attached the entire thing to the rollbar using U bolts

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

We can't tell you what the multimeter is for, without giving away the location of the hidden flux capacitor.....

It was actually an experiment that didn't really pan out for the race.  We left it in just to mess with people's minds in the true spirit of Lemons!!!!!

#508 Team SOB

Re: Aiptek A-HD+1080p - What quality setting to use with 16gb card?

One more tip - try to mount the camera eye level with the driver.  That will let you get good visibility out of the rear-view mirror also.  (Ours was mounted too high)

The multi-meter was wired to show O2 voltage.  That plus $4 in Radioshack parts allowed us to 'tune' the fuel mixture at WOT by altering the coolant temp sensor resistance.  Fun to install, cool to look at, but we had our hands full just driving and never really used it.....  If only it had allowed us to adjust brake caliper temperature.

Team SOB