Lining up my hotel rooms for RBR 2022.
The recommended hotels, alas, are too spendy--the only way I can budget this is to save a few dollars on rooms, especially with gas prices soaring. Can't guarantee 100% I'll be joining the rally (I won't know until a week or two beforehand, thanks to the work schedule and an uncertain family situation) but at least I'll have rooms set already, and I have a couple of months to prepare one of two suitable hoopties for safe-ish travels. Grinding, welding, drywall screws and and *cough* custom painting *cough* may be involved on the older hooptie...provided it's still safe to attempt to drive.
So far, the Red Roof Dayton - Moraine/U of Dayton has the best rates in the area, $122, including taxes, and it's close to the suggested Courtyard which is $228 before taxes. I normally avoid Red Roof, but this one appears to be brand new and unsullied. At least, until I get there and throw a TV through a window, or write "REDRUM" on the bathroom mirror in Crest toothpaste, or something.
Downtown Pittsburgh is surprisingly pricey in mid July. I've booked the Clarion Hotel up in Cranberry Twp., about 25 minutes north of downtown for $103, including taxes. (AAA rate includes free cancellation.) I'll still try to get to Klavon's, barring any incoming travel issues.
Since I live just north of Detroit in a lazy lakeside bungalow-burb, the "room" is free.
Think I'll try to grab a room near Niagara Falls for Sunday night, and see if they still rent barrels for the Falls...
Driver of soul-sucking appliances in the Rust Belt.