1 (edited by Gillham 2023-08-09 08:50 PM)

Topic: East: GP du Lac Chargogg(etc) 2023 at Thompson Speedway, Aug 5 / 6


Over 3500 pictures whittled down to 561 I felt like editing.
Enjoy. My first race, hanging out with my friend who drives for 182. You guys are crazy, maybe I'll take the plunge.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53106094609_e707c825af_b.jpgIMG_4599 by Nick Gillham, on Flickr

Re: East: GP du Lac Chargogg(etc) 2023 at Thompson Speedway, Aug 5 / 6

Awesome pics!! You even got one of me smile


1991 VW Jetta #38 - cuz Whoopie Pie!

Re: East: GP du Lac Chargogg(etc) 2023 at Thompson Speedway, Aug 5 / 6

nice pics smile

This car....Is said to have a will of it's Own. Twisting its own body in rage...It accelerates on.
1978 Opel/Buick Isuzu(C>B>C>B) , Sold 1996 Nissan Maxima OnlyFans (B) , Sold 1996 Ford Probe GT(B),