Topic: PittRace Sunday night camping.... Yes, Sunday night.
Is anyone interested in staying at PittRace for one additional night after the April race ? I ask because my team is doing a double header and heading to CMP directly from Pitt, and given that it's a one day drive between the two, I asked PittRace if they would allow camping on Sunday night. The next step would likely be a campground near CMP for the days prior to that race.
In order to allow anyone to stay on grounds, they would need to staff a security guard for the night at a cost of $300, shared between a number of teams, this might make a good option to packing up and leaving, only to drive a couple hours before stopping again if you live beyond a one evening drive.
So are any other teams interested in staying an extra night and sharing this extra cost ? It's certainly cheaper than a hotel room when even split a few ways. Obviously doesn't make sense if only a few teams are staying, and at this point I have 3 teams committed, so the price will drop per team as we keep getting more.
So now that PittRace is a mere 4 weeks away, and some of you are just starting to think about plans and putting your heap together, if you have a long drive on Sunday night and don't make it all the way home, consider the option of staying at Pitt and leaving first thing in the morning. No rush after the race, pack the car and the tools, and otherwise relax for a change ! Most of all, save the cost of the hotel, this is cheaper, probably.
The track will allow us to camp an extra night for the cost of I have at least 3 teams at this point, so we're trying to get the shared $300 cost as low as possible, and commit to the track early. Assuming another 3 teams (for a total of 6) agreed to stay the extra night, it would cost just $50 to stay the extra night, I'm guessing they would also charge us camping as well, but they just might forget, hard to say.
So who else is interested in staying one extra night and heading out Monday morning ? No huge party, no stuntin and splodin, just a relaxed packup, chill by the campfire, trade stories from the weekend, and head out in the AM fresh for the long drive home.
I'm usually just on Facebook, not the forums, so hit me up there if you can, but I'll check back here as well.
Glen Farney
#510 Bright Ideas Racing (the slow yellow truck)
#510 Bright Ideas Racing
Chevy S10 Village of Lemons
Department of Highway Debauchery