Topic: It's winter... but you can still suck in our iRacing league

Just a reminder that we do have iRacing stuff going on all through the winter, should you wish to quietly escape your family at any point during the festive period.

You can apply at (we've so far yet to turn down an applicant)

Regular series:

Late Night Lemons – Tuesday @ Midnight ET/11 pm CT/9 pm PT
Lunchtime Lemons – Thursday @ 2 pm ET/1 pm CT/11 am PT
Lawn Mowing Lemons – Saturday @ 2 pm ET/1 pm CT/11 am PT

At the end of each race, a random participant is chosen to pick the car and track for the following week. The races are 20 minutes long with 20 minutes practice and a 10 minute qualify session. It might be road, dirt, or oval but you can rest assured that the participant skill level rarely varies.

Re: It's winter... but you can still suck in our iRacing league

Is this league still active? Does it get much participation?

Re: It's winter... but you can still suck in our iRacing league

Yup! We actually did GR86 at Brand Hatch (in the rain) last night. We get somewhere between about 5 and 20 people at each race - often a slightly different set of people given the race times.