Topic: free stuff, first come first serve

okay so i'm and idiot and bought way too much seat foam.
as we have a fixed seat and drivers of varying height we need a pad but i bought too much.
this is the good stuff (super dense memory foam medium density).
one sheet is surly enough to do a seat for most..
so first two to come by and grab a sheet can have it..
Located at
Scuderia West
69 duboce ave.
San francisco
tues - sat. 10-6

Nemo Money

Re: free stuff, first come first serve

scuderia wrote:

okay so i'm and idiot and bought way too much seat foam.
as we have a fixed seat and drivers of varying height we need a pad but i bought too much.
this is the good stuff (super dense memory foam medium density).
one sheet is surly enough to do a seat for most..
so first two to come by and grab a sheet can have it..
Located at
Scuderia West
69 duboce ave.
San francisco
tues - sat. 10-6

Willing to ship? I'll pay extra.

Sons of STIG
Judge Jonny, "So, what's the next formerly thought to be immune from winning that will steal the nickels?An MR2? A Fierro (ha ha ha)? A Datsun/Nissan Z? A Camaro?"

Re: free stuff, first come first serve

still available... still free

Nemo Money

Re: free stuff, first come first serve

Any chance of you bringing it to Infenion this weekend?