Topic: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

That's right, yours truly will be appearing (via sound) on some San Diego based radio program TONIGHT ONLY at 6:00 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Want to listen?

Click here:

and look for the link to listen live on the left hand side.

Topics I should bring up?

"This is the scene where I get shot," Bronson said. "I have these little squibs that explode to make it look like bullets are hitting." "Fascinating," said Bergman. "I never knew how they did that." "You mean," asked Bronson, "you don't use machine guns in your movies?"

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

Judge Jonny wrote:

That's right, yours truly will be appearing (via sound) on some San Diego based radio program TONIGHT ONLY at 6:00 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Want to listen?

Click here:

and look for the link to listen live on the left hand side.

Topics I should bring up?

1:  why the judges are so MEAN..... 
2:  what did xxx team do to piss off the judges (random, pick one with lots of blacks)
3:  whats with the facial hair and hats?
4:  what type of training is required to be a judge?
5:  what is the judges preferred type of bribe?

I'll be listening.....

Richard Doty
1984 Porsche 928 "Estate"
Porsche- "there is A substitute" Racing
Dirt Poorsche Racing #2

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

the joys of accepting bribes and how elected officials and judges should follow your lead about openly accepting and lobbying for bribes instead of behind closed doors

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

Topic to discuss: Lemons is not bumper cars! I know I get tired of explaining the strict safty regs. Cheap cars on the race track are not driven like cheap cars on the street. When I drive my street trash, I want someone to hit me so I can collect their insurance. When I drive my track car, I don't want them to hit me cause that means I have to spend more time fixing it and less time racing it.

Yee-Haw 2010 "Most Heroic Fix" & "I Got Screwed" -2 trophies for 1 lap, but I took checkered on my lap.
Gator-O-Rama 2012 "Organizers Choice" -2 laps 1 trophy, but i still finished ahead of an E30
Yee-Haw 2013 No trophy -26 laps, I think I see a pattern here
Gator-O-Rama 2014 "Waiting for the Last Minute Call from the Governor Award" -who's counting? John

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

1. How these events feel like a combination of Burning Man, Mardi Gras, and a soap box derby.
2. The important Lemons axiom, to take Lemons seriously, but not ourselves seriously.
3. What other sorting event can your get penalized, have your equipment destroyed, and loose miserably, and it's all great fun.
4. The great people who run in these races.

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

I listened from Texas.

Team Lost in the Dark
Winner " I got screwed" and "Jay's dream car"
2012 Gulf region champs

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

I missed it... how bad did he mumble, stumble, babble and say "uhhhh"?

Sons of STIG
Judge Jonny, "So, what's the next formerly thought to be immune from winning that will steal the nickels?An MR2? A Fierro (ha ha ha)? A Datsun/Nissan Z? A Camaro?"

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

Riktor wrote:

I missed it... how bad did he mumble, stumble, babble and say "uhhhh"?

Judge: not at all.
DJs: quite a bit.

Team Lost in the Dark
Winner " I got screwed" and "Jay's dream car"
2012 Gulf region champs

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

Believe it or not, I have not only a background, but a lot of experience in radio.

My face, as the saying goes, is built for it.

"This is the scene where I get shot," Bronson said. "I have these little squibs that explode to make it look like bullets are hitting." "Fascinating," said Bergman. "I never knew how they did that." "You mean," asked Bronson, "you don't use machine guns in your movies?"

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

Crap, I forgot to listen.

The Homer: Powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerf ball.

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

Jonny did a good job and the segment was pretty awesome I thought!

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

I hope somebody recorded this, I missed it too but want to listen to it

More than you can afford, pal. Daihatsu.
AFAP TH '09 - 95th
ASAP TH '10 - 34th - 1st Class C "Ugly"

Re: Lemons Supreme Court on the Radio

It was recorded and I will post when its up on the website.