1 (edited by DIPSTICK 2010-09-27 06:18 AM)

Topic: No more Jalopnik Posts?

Phil, how will we replace the up to date coverage of all Lemons events if your no longer posting on Jalop?  Those posts had become my "sports center" if you will for up to date (depending on WIFI coverage) info on the happenings at the events.  As a matter of fact, since we managed to kill both our primary and back-up car, and subsequently packed up early, I don't even know who won yesterday.

How can we stay in the loop? Other than stick around for the end of course.


Winner Porsche Cup CMP Spring 09 (944), Winner class 2 CMP Spring 10 (Audi 100), Organizers Choice CMP Spring 10 (Merc S500), Grassroots Motorsports Most From the Least CMP spring 10 (audi 100), Overall Winner Capitol Offense 2010 (Merc S500), Winner on laps Capitol Offense 2011 (Merc S500), Organizers Choice Capitol Offense 12 (Mercillac).

Re: No more Jalopnik Posts?

That is a real bummer. Is Phil not working with them now?

You can at least watch the last 30min of the race here - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/9843398

Re: No more Jalopnik Posts?

+1.  Will anybody be picking up the Lemons coverage?  No more pics of every car entered in each race?  No more IOE winner pics?  No more Friday BS photos?  Say it ain't so Phil!

BRE Datsun (Broke Racing Effluence) formerly Dawn of the Zed Racing
'74 260Z
Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/editpicture.php … 2559430584

Re: No more Jalopnik Posts?


Re: No more Jalopnik Posts?

Here is the story on Jalopnik -

http://jalopnik.com/5648493/murilee-hop … outta-here

Re: No more Jalopnik Posts?

Well, he didn't say that he wouldn't ever Jalopnik again, and he's still listed as a contributor, so I'm guessing that so long as he keeps judging, he'll keep updating Jalopnik on Lemons stuff. I sure hope so. Phil's writing on Jalopnik about Lemons was instrumental in convincing me to get involved with this crazy thing.

Oh, that's a lie. I was hooked after I'd read the first paragraph about the Detroit-ish Toledo race in an article in the NYTimes. But Phil's work certainly stoked the fire.

Pat Mulry, TARP Racing #67

Mandatory disclaimer: all opinions expressed are mine alone & not those of 24HOL, its mgmt, sponsors, etc.