Topic: QUICK application question

I saw that there's a spot to upload a picture of your car on the application. Am I correct in my assumption that the picture is taken into consideration when deciding if you're accepted to the race or not?

Re: QUICK application question

Yes, the picture is taken into consideration. Also, having a photo on file helps us identify your car in post-race photos later on, when it blows up 11 minutes into the race and your car number isn't visible in our 3 on-track photos.

Re: QUICK application question

What if the car isn't finished at time of app.

Re: QUICK application question

I'm guessing most aren't finished for the first race.  Just take a pic and put it in there.  Helps verify you actually have a car too.

The pic I put in had the car covered in snow with things drawn on the car.  You could also use it to help point out  that you are fun people to have at the race.   Same can be said about the pics of the drivers.

Racing 4 Nickels - 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
2012 The Chubba Cheddar Enduro Class C winner
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Re: QUICK application question

guessing by your forum drive an E30.....its safe to say the Judges know exactly what those look like!!!

Richard Doty
1984 Porsche 928 "Estate"
Porsche- "there is A substitute" Racing
Dirt Poorsche Racing #2