Topic: How do you see what teams are signed up for each race

Last year you could see which teams were signed up for each race. Tried to do this year and can't, is it not possible. Or am I just missing something. Are they sending out emails when you get accepted into a race???

If its not broke fix it till it is...

Re: How do you see what teams are signed up for each race

Yes they send an email when you are accepted into a race.  It may be a day or so after the 'official' date if they are at a race, but they'll get it done.

Viewing entered Teams is a function that is coming.  For now if you ask Nick nicely he'll let you know the number.

Re: How do you see what teams are signed up for each race

OK thanks how do I contact Nick? Unless some one knows how many entries they have for the April Gingerman  race..

If its not broke fix it till it is...

Re: How do you see what teams are signed up for each race

homepage - top right corner 'contact' - select Nick Pon.  He'll either tell you or make up a number as he's the Associate Perpetrator and Maker-Upper of Answers to General Lemons Questions.

Re: How do you see what teams are signed up for each race

I'm not sure if this would work but if you are registered you could look and see how many numbers have been taken so far for the cars..

2010, 26th @ CMP, 2011, 10th & 5th at CMP, 2012? (MIA), 2013 Spring CMP, 53rd, 2013 Fall CMP 44th, 2014 Barber 14th, 2014 CMP 46th, 2015 CMP 57th, 2015 CMP 80th, 2016 CMP 16th, 3rd in B class, Winner Judges choice, and First car under 2.0 liter Alex's lemon aide stand winner. 2017 WRL, Road Atlanta 43rd, 2017 NCM 9th O/A , 1st in B class, 2018 CMP 13th O/A 3rd in Class B