Topic: New Team - Logistics - Towing - etc.?
We're a new team, and we have picked up a $500 Buick for Lemons Rally. We plan on attending Fall Fail-iage in Boston. Problem is, we live nowhere near there (we're all in TN). Our distance to get to and from the rally is longer than the rally itself. We're trying to figure out logistics and was wondering what other people do.
Here's the ideas we have:
1. YOLO - drive the Buick all the way there.
2. Tow it to the start, but then what do we do with the tow vehicle and trailer? Dragging a trailer all over the NE along the Lemons route sounds pretty crappy.
3. Enter two vehicles, one being a nicer vehicle that can tow/recover, and rent a trailer if it all goes south. Drive both.
4. Same as #3, but only enter our Buick, have people rotate thru the Buick and keep the recovery vehicle close by.
5. Something else???
We have 4 or 5 people - so no lack of drivers for two vehicles. We already own a trailer/tow vehicle. Just trying to get a feel of what other people do?