26 (edited by Stovebolt 2009-10-03 10:17 PM)

Re: Rear diagonal needed?

Ok a few beers and a 4.5" cutter, a few more beers and I got the one side short brace cut out, and now a full length diagonal up to the driver's head tack welded in.  I also switched from .035 wire which is the wire I bought when I got my Mig years ago, and finally figured out a smaller wire might work better for my small Miller 140 gas unit.  I got a roll of .030 at Harbor Freight, hopefully the gook stuff works as good as what I had before.  Seems to work pretty good.  What are others using for wire?  Just curious.  When doing this cage and a previous team's, I was having a lot of trouble with my welds (wire was not feeding fast enough or enough power, I did not know what) and finally figured out my very old tip needed changing as it was hanging up when it got hot - I thought it was my welder!  LOL   Of course I still suck at welding but.....

The brace I cut out was smaller dia and I figured out I could use that inside the other larger tubing as an adjustable back brace sort of thing, so I guess I'm making lemonaid out of Lemons!  (pun intended)


Speed Racer Mach5 Mustang
Houston TX

27 (edited by Stovebolt 2009-10-05 06:43 AM)

Re: Rear diagonal needed?

Just because you can't stop looking at this stuff and work on a Monday morning.... I'll post a few pics of this topic.



Speed Racer Mach5 Mustang
Houston TX

28 (edited by MagnumPI 2009-10-05 06:46 AM)

Re: Rear diagonal needed?

Looks good!  I like car pron.

Team Magnum PI ness  #357  -

106th place at Nelson Ledges - The Lamest Days
-oil pressure failure leading to engine failure