Well, for a while this was my second daily driver, but with the fluid loss the last two days, it's now just a local runabout; most of those trips are under 7 miles rt, and I can deal with that. I'll just have to figure out if I want to build this for Lemons.
I bought this for that purpose, and at the time it was inexpensive enough, with a reputation such that it was interesting as an initial learning platform; though, I misread the advertisement, and thought I was bidding on a manual car.
And by learning, I mean cheap enough for welding practice, as I'm not a BMW fanboy. Stripping and prepping for racing equipment, and if I screw it up, at least it's not my dream platform.
At least it still moves, though with the sill rust and mileage it needs a lot of delayed maintenance - and yes, a likely engine swap to complete it.
At least the cooling system is already prepped for the track ;-) , though not the coming winter.
But geez, that puts the time line for this well into next summer.
The fleet is large, and this is just one candidate. I'm defaulting to a different direction for now.
There's also a euro/German repair shop right down the road, and my first stop is there to ask if they'd be interested in it, and for how much - I'm curious if they'll pay more than scrap value.
Later today I'm working on getting yet another fluid loss resolved, and an alternator to have a replacement daily.
Then a third fluid loss repair, tranny repair, and a tranny swap.Then I might get back to this.
Thanks for the input everybody.